Python scritps for rendering and distance analysis of proteins (proteasome) and segmentations (poly-GA aggregates) in Cryo-ET
These scritps have been developed for being run in Linux 64bit platform with python 2.7.13. It also requires to have installed the next packages:
- Additional software packages:
- pyto (Lučić et al., 2016, PMID: 27742578 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.10.004)
- pyseg (
Renders template copies in a tomogram from a STAR file (poly-GA adaptation)
Input: - STAR file
- Reference tomogram
- Template pre-processing parameters
- Rigid transformations parameters
Output: - A set of VTK poly data for rendering the templates on the reference tomogram
Measures distance from STAR files particles to segmentations
Input: - STAR files
- Segmentation
- Distance parameters
- Particle template preprocessing settings
Output: - STAR files with the distances measured