plot on the command line
$ seq 1 5 | plot -d5
5.00 ┤ ╭─
4.00 ┤ ╭╯
3.00 ┤ ╭╯
2.00 ┤╭╯
1.00 ┼╯
Monitor linux network usage:
plot -d10 -f -p "avg:5|roc:5" \
-c l -i "/sys/class/net/$card/statistics/rx_packets:r" \
-c r -i "/sys/class/net/$card/statistics/tx_packets:r"
$ meson build
$ meson compile -C build
$ meson install -C build
$ meson test -C build
or, if you want to watch the tests,
$ meson test -C build -v --num-processes 1
For the cli, see plot -h
or man plot
See include/plot/plot.h
for library documentation. Real documentation is a TODO.
Inspired by asciichart