A new Flutter project based on the Ray Wenderlich API.
Network call is made to api and data is fetched. Based on the API annotations, data is sorted and displayed in a list view. The list contains a list of courses.
On clicking a course, you move to the course details page. In this page, there is the banner image, associated woth the course, name, description and other details. You also have a filter feature, using which you can filter the courses based on the domain.
- Using Model and repository to structure the code
- HTTP call to Rest API
- Parsing network data
- Displaying CircularProgressIndicator while waiting for network data
- Using List View
- Hero Animation for the image
- Navigation between screens
- Creating a FilterWidget using radio widgets
- Storing filter choice in SharedPreference
- Maintaining the state of flutter widget using Inherited Widget
- Displaying results based on filters
You can check out the app face in the screenshots folder
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