Nunflix - A Netflix Clone
This is Nunflix, a frontend clone of Netflix's home page made just for the Netflix original series Warrior Nun.
Learn more about the series and campaign at and
Today I’m happy to officially report that because of your combined voices, passion and amazing efforts - #WarriorNun will return and is going to be more EPIC than you could imagine. More details to come! SOON! Thank-you!! #SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNunSaved ❤️🎬
10:16 PM · Jun 27, 2023 · @SimonDavisBarry via Twitter
- React JS
- TMDB (The Movie Database) API
- Hosted on Firebase
Here's what you need to do to get this running locally on your computer.
- Register for a TMDB API key by following the instructions here to be able to use the API to pull in data and images displayed on the site
- Clone the project to your machine with
git clone
- Add the API key in this line in the
const API_KEY = 'paste key in here'
- On a command line inside of the application's folder, run
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in a browser
Annie Wu (anniedotexe)
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me below.
This project was created for educational purposes and for personal and open-source use.
If you like my content or find this code useful, give it a ⭐ or support me by buying me a coffee ☕😀