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Vova Nekhai edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Metrics endpoint

Anodot prometheus remote-wrote application, has its owm metrics in Prometheus format available at ${host}:1234/metrics

Logging levels

To configure logs levels for application, use ANODOT_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, where 1 value is less verbose and 5 if the finest log level. Changing environment variable require application restart.

To enable HTTP debug logs, ANODOT_HTTP_DEBUG_ENABLED environment variable should be set to true

Important information

Changing ANODOT_LOG_LEVEL and ANODOT_HTTP_DEBUG_ENABLED values should be only used for debug purposes and should be turned off or returned to default values as soon as problem is resolved, since they are producing lots of logs messages and system can quickly tun out of disk space.

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