- EC2
- S3
- NatGateway
- Efs
- DynamoDB
- Cloudfront
Some notes before you start:
- Building and installation of the lambda file is performed with the make tool via Docker. Please make sure you have a Docker Engine avilable.
- For creation of the neccessary infratructure we will use terraform (https://www.terraform.io/docs/index.html)
- All neccessary tasks are described in the Makefile below.
- To upload the lambda function to AWS you need to create a zip archive with the binary file you've built
- You should have access to AWS with minimum following permission:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Run "make help" to see all available tasks:
make help
Available tasks:
make build-image -- build image usage_lambda:1.0 with all necessary dependencies for lambda function build and lamdba function creation
make build-code -- will build source code. Lambda function binary name usage_lambda
make build -- will run clean build-image and build-code
make create-archive -- will create archive with binary ready to upload on S3
make clean -- will delete archive and binary
make copy_to_s3 LAMBDA_S3=your-bucket-name -- copy lambda archive to s3
make copy_config_s3 LAMBDA_S3=your-bucket-name -- copy config file to s3
make clean-image -- will delete usage_lambda image
make deploy LAMBDA_S3=your-bucket-name -- will run build-image, build, build-image, copy_to_s3
make create-config -- will run command line menu to help build a new config file
Terraform related tasks:
make terraform-init -- will initialize terraform providers and modules
make terraform-plan -- will create an execution plan. Shows what will done. What services will be created
make terraform-apply -- will apply an execution plan.
make terraform-plan-destroy -- will create plan of destroying lambda function.
make terraform-apply-destroy -- will destroy lambda functions.
make create-function -- will run terraform-init, terraform-plan, terraform-apply .
For the installation you should have the make tool installed on your machine and set the following environment vars:
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <Your Secret AWS Access Key>
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = <Your AWS Access Key ID>
Below are the steps required to create and deploy the lambda function:
- Update cloudwatch_metrics.yaml with regions and metrics you need to push.
Or just run
make create-config
This command will show you command line menu for generation default config.
Please notice that metrics for Cloudfront available only at us-east-1, because it is global service. You can use Cloudfront metrics from another region, but you will need manually update config (more details at FAQ section).
- Build and upload the lambda binary:
make deploy LAMBDA_S3=your-bucket-name
- Fill terraform/input.tfvars with your data. This is file is needed by terraform to store terraform vars
# s3 bucket where lambda function stored
s3_bucket = ""
# Custom string for identification of lambda installation. Will be sent to Anodot as account_id dimesnion.
function_id = "fr-testing"
# Regions where metrics will be fetched:
regions = ["eu-central-1"]
anodot_access_key =
For obtaining your anodot_access_key and anodot_data_token - Please refer to this page
Please notice that for each region a separate function will be created (it will be fetching metrics for this region) but it will be deployed into AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.
- Create the lambda function
For running the next command, you will need your the URL through which you access Anodot.
make create-function
Please be aware that terraform will create a state file in the terraform/
directory. The State is highly important for future updates and destroy infrastructure.
Region: us-east-1 # Add this options in you need metrics from different region
- Name: BytesDownloaded
Id: test1
Namespace: AWS/CloudFront
Period: 3600
Unit: None
Stat: Average
In the example above cloudfront metrics will be fetched and pushed for us-east-1 and EBS and EC2 for ap-south-1
make terraform-plan-destroy -- to create plan
make terraform-apply-destroy -- to apply destroy
Add variable accountId into input.tfvars file and to your metrics will be added property account_id.
A custom metric is a metric calculated directly by the lambda function (not fetched from CLoudwatch)
EBS has custom metric: Size
EC2 has: CoreCount and VCpuCount - cores count with hyperthreading
Efs has:
- Size_All - The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
- Size_Infrequent - The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
- Size_Standard - The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class
Each region should have a separate section in cloudwatch_metrics.yaml file with list of metrics to be fetched:
us-east-1: # Region where lambda supposed to fetch metrics
- Name: BytesDownloaded
Id: test1
Namespace: AWS/CloudFront
Period: 3600
Unit: None
Stat: Average
- Size
- CoreCount