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Vid_Siv is a video sieve for low quality (>480) videos.
This rather simple script does the following:
- It recursively traverses a directory looking for video files.
- When it finds one, it makes sure it is an actual video file.
- It then checks to see if the file has a size less than configured amount.
- If the file does not meet the minimum required file size it removes it.
- If it does, it then checks to see if the file meets the minimum duration requirement.
- Like before, if the file fails, it is removed. If it succeeds, it moves on to the next filter.
- Lastly, it probes the file for the width. The width is often used to designate quality.
- If the video width does not meet the designated minimum amount, it deletes the file.
- The script is used for removing low quality video files from your system.
Because, the nineties were not the best time for high def video.
Use python poetry to install with poetry install
or use pipenv to install with pipenv install
. Which ever
is your choice. Which would look like so:
poetry install
pipenv install
I did tried to provide the user with as many options to customize as possible.
In table form:
Option | flag | What it does |
directory | --dir |
Directory to search in |
quality | --qty |
Desired quality (width) |
duration | --dur |
Enable and set minimum duration |
remove | --rm |
Enable file removal |
no zero | --nozo |
Disable zero sum deletion |
minimum | --min |
file size for zero sum |
log level | --lev |
Set log level to DEBUG or INFO |
log file | --log |
Log file path |
rotate log | --rot |
Rotate log file when > 512 |
In raw class form:
"""Vidsiv helps you remove zero-sum, low quality, and short videos from folders recursively."""
dir: str = os.path.expanduser('~/Videos') # Path of the directory you want sieved.
qty: str = choice("480", "540", "720", "1080", "2k", "4k", default='720') # Choose minimum desired quality in width
dur: int = 60 # Enable and set Minimum allowed duration in secs.
rm: bool = True # Enable/Disable deletion of low quality files.
zo: bool = True # Enable/Disable removal of zero-sum files.
min: int = 512 # Minimum file size in kilobytes, less than is considered zero-sum.
lev: str = choice('info', 'debug', default='info') # Set log level to either INFO or DEBUG
log: str = os.path.abspath('./vidsiv.log') # Full path to log file.
rot: bool = True # Enable/Disable auto rotate log file when > 1MB
Using Vid_Siv would look something like so:
poetry run python vidsiv.py --dir /dir/path --rm
- All options possess a default value.
- If no directory is specified on the command line, the script will default to using
. - If the
flag is not used, the script will do nothing. This is so to prevent accidental deletion of files. - As a "bonus" feature, you can use the
flag and remove files based on minimum size as well. - If you have files less than 512kb that you want to keep, you can either disable zero-sum with
or change it with--min 256
During generation of the file list two approaches were tested, one using normal python file functions, and the other using trio's asynchronous file functions. For small sets of files, trio's file handling functions outpaced normal file handling functions by a large margin, but with large sets of files the difference in processing time became much closer. Still trio's file handling functions was 0.2 secs faster than the standard file handling functions, averaging about 1.2 secs per file for over 4,000 files. We wish it was faster.
A massively warm thanks goes to the trio gitter channel, who taught me a lot and helped me to troubleshoot this project.
A special thanks goes out to Arthur Tacca for realizing and providing the missing feature to the trio asynchronous library, i.e. aioresult.