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Introduction to gPHPedit:
The gPHPedit package contains a lightweight UTF-8 text editor based in 
scintilla component for the GNOME desktop. 
gPHPEdit supports PHP/HTML/CSS files and also supports C/C++, Python and 
Perl Files.
gPHPedit is currently maintained by Anoop John and Jose Rostagno.

Installation of gPHPEdit: (UBUNTU AND DEBIAN USERS)
0) To install gPHPEdit from source:

   You can download lastest source packages from:

   0.a) installing from git

   In a terminal write:
   git clone git:// ~/gphpedit-git
   cd ~/gphpedit-git

1) Install gPHPEdit by running the following commands:

	$ ./ --prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0) && make
	Now, as the root user:

	# make install

	1.b) Command Explanations:

	--prefix=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0): Setting the prefix 
	using this parameter instead of with $GNOME_PREFIX will ensure that the
	prefix is consistent with the installation environment and the package 
	will be installed in the correct location.

  Setting this flag enable the debug support, disabled by default.

2) Dependencies

Compilation needs the following software packages - usually the headers 
and libraries (search for packages with a -dev or -devel suffix and/or 
prefix lib, e.g. libgtk2.0-dev)

	     - Glib 2.0 (>= 2.18)
	     - Gtk 2.0 (>= 2.20)
	     - automake (>= 1.8)
	     - autoconf (>= 2.59)
	     - intltool
	     - libtool
	     - gettext
	     - gvfs
	     - webkit-1.0
	     - libxml-2.0 (>= 2.6.0)
	     - php5-cli (optional for php sintax checking)
	     - php-doc (optional for php help support) *
   * if you don't have php-doc pakage installed gphpedit will search help in PHP online resources.

Debug system
Since 0.9.98 version GPHPEdit has a new debug system.
To activate it you must first compile GPHPEdit with --enable-debug=yes option.
Then you must start the editor setting an environment variable with the same name of the chanel to debug.
For example:
	$ env GPHPEDIT_DEBUG=1 ./gphpedit

will enable all debug chanels.

This expresion:

	$ env GPHPEDIT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 ./gphpedit

will activate only the plugins chanel.

You could activate more than one debug chanel, for example:


will activate plugins and document chanel.

* The following list contains the avariable debug chanels:
   - GPHPEDIT_NO_DEBUG (disable debug output)

How to report bugs

Bugs should be reported to the Savannah bug tracking system.
( You will need to create
an account for yourself.

In the bug report please include:

* Information about your system. For instance:

   - What operating system and version
   - What version of the gtk+, glib and gnome libraries

  And anything else you think is relevant.

* How to reproduce the bug. 

* If the bug was a crash, the exact text that was printed out when the
  crash occurred.

See '' 
for the list of known bugs.


Patches should also be submitted to
If the patch fixes an existing bug, add the patch as an attachment 
to that bug report.

Otherwise, enter a new bug report that describes the patch, and attach
the patch to that bug report.

Patches should be in unified diff form. (The -u option to GNU diff.)

If you are interested in helping us to develop gPHPEdit, please see the 
file 'AUTHORS' for contact information. 

Transifex is a highly scalable localization platform with a focus on 
integrating well with the existing workflow of both translators and developers.
It aims in making it dead-simple for content providers to receive quality
translations from big translation communities, no matter where the project 
is hosted.

In order to translate gPHPEdit on transifex or upload translations here you 
need to:

   1. Create a (free) account in the Transifex server;
   2. Associate yourself with the gPHPEdit project and the specific language 
you want to work on;
   3. Use the web interface to reserve a file for translation. 
This file can then be downloaded and translated offline and then submitted back
via the same interface. The translation is then validated and committed 
upstream into the official repository. 

If you are responsible for managing one of the language teams or just want to 
make sure you know what is happening with the project as a whole, 
you can choose to be notified every time someone reserves a file for 
translation, writes down a comment, reviews someone’s work, 
or a commit takes place. Since people will have to reserve a file for 
translation, you can make sure that no two people work on the same file at 
the same time, in the end saving time, headaches and redundancy. 
Best of all, since your work can be committed automatically when you upload 
your translation, you can see in real time your progress and 
that of your teammates.

gPHPEdit in Transifex:

  b) Current translations:
      gPHPEdit is currently translated to:
       * English
       * Spanish
       * German
       * Japanese

Shortcut keys enable you to perform tasks more quickly than if you use a mouse.
The following list all gPHPEdit’s shortcut keys.

 1) File:

    * New file (Ctrl + N)
    * Open file (Ctrl + O)
    * Open selected file (Ctrl + Intro)
    * Reload Current file (SHIFT + Ctrl + O)
    * Save (Ctrl + S)
    * Save as (SHIFT + Ctrl + S)
    * Save All (SHIFT + ALT + A)
    * Close File (Ctrl + W)
    * Exit (Ctrl + Q)

 2) Edit:

    * Copy (Ctrl + C)
    * Paste (Ctrl + V)
    * Cut (Ctrl + X)
    * Select all (Ctrl + A)
    * Undo (Ctrl + Z)
    * Redo (SHIFT + Ctrl + Y)
    * Line Delete (Ctrl + SHIFT + L)
    * Duplicate line (Ctrl + D)
    * Transpose line (Ctrl + T)
    * Indent block (SHIFT + ALT + I)
    * Unindent block (SHIFT + Ctrl + ALT + I)
    * ToUpper (Ctrl + U)
    * ToLower (Ctrl + L)
    * Add/Remove bookmark (Ctrl + F2)
    * Goto Next Bookmark (F2)

 3) Panes:

    * Show/Hide Side Panel (F8)
    * Hide Syntax Check Panel (SHIFT + F9)
    * Show Preferences dialog (F5)
    * Enter/Leave Fullscreen mode (F11)

 4) Tabs:

    * Switches to the next tab to the left (Ctrl + PageDown)
    * Switches to the next tab to the right (Ctrl + PageUp)
    * Close Tab (Ctrl + W)
    * Jump to nth tab1 (Alt + N) (**)
		(**) replace n with tab number.

 5) Search:

    * Find a string (Ctrl + F)
    * Search and replace (Ctrl + H)
    * Incremental search (Ctrl + I)

 6) Tools:

    * Syntax check (Ctrl + F9)
    * Hide Syntax Check Panel (SHIFT + F9)
    * Record Keyboard macro start/stop (Alt + K)
    * Playback Keyboard macro (Ctrl + K)

 7) Autocompletion:
    * Insert template (Ctrl + j)

 8) folding
	* if you hold Ctrl key pressed and you click a fold mark, all it's children will be folded. 
	* if you hold SHIFT key pressed and you click a fold mark, all it's children will be expanded. 
Find and Replace

Regular expressions

GPHPEdit support regular expression search.
In a regular expression, special characters interpreted are:
. 	Matches any character
\( 	This marks the start of a region for tagging a match.
\) 	This marks the end of a tagged region.
\n 	Where n is 1 through 9 refers to the first through ninth tagged region when replacing. For example, if the search string was Fred\([1-9]\)XXX and the replace string was Sam\1YYY, when applied to Fred2XXX this would generate Sam2YYY.
\< 	This matches the start of a word using Scintilla's definitions of words.
\> 	This matches the end of a word using Scintilla's definition of words.
\x 	This allows you to use a character x that would otherwise have a special meaning. For example, \[ would be interpreted as [ and not as the start of a character set.
[...] 	This indicates a set of characters, for example, [abc] means any of the characters a, b or c. You can also use ranges, for example [a-z] for any lower case character.
[^...] 	The complement of the characters in the set. For example, [^A-Za-z] means any character except an alphabetic character.
^ 	This matches the start of a line (unless used inside a set, see above).
$ 	This matches the end of a line.
* 	This matches 0 or more times. For example, Sa*m matches Sm, Sam, Saam, Saaam and so on.
+ 	This matches 1 or more times. For example, Sa+m matches Sam, Saam, Saaam and so on.

Themes (New in 0.9.98)
GPHPEdit has support for GtkSourceView's Themes. These are feature rich 
themes supported by many Gnome applications like Gedit and Anjuta. 
This implies that you don't have to configure each language in the 
preferences dialog anymore.  Now you can set a theme and editor will 
load its color scheme. You can also easily change between themes.

The main advantage of choosing this theme system is that a lot of themes
already exist, along with good documentation about how to write a new one.

You can get some examples at:

If you want to create a new theme you may also want to visit

To put a gPHPEdit's specific theme or if you don't have gtksourceview installed, 
you should put the new theme in /usr/share/gphpedit/themes 
or in /usr/local/share/gphpedit/themes 
depending on instalation prefix.

Migrating old config files to new XDG folder (Since 0.9.98)
If you have custom plugins and templates in ~/.gphpedit/ you must copy that files to the directory
pointing by the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, usually ~/.config/gphpedit

	The gPHPEdit team.


gPHPEdit PHP/HTML/CSS development environment for GNOME







No packages published
