Millions of people suffer from diabetic retinopathy, the leading cause of blindness among working aged adults. The aim of the competition is to train the model and and to predict diagnosis for the given test set. Images have five possible ratings, 0,1,2,3,4. Submissions are scored based on the quadratic weighted kappa.
- fast-ai-starter-with-resnet-50.ipynb
This is my public kernel, ResNet50 baseline. It has received gold medal during competition and available also here:
- eye-efficientnet-pytorch-lb-0-777.ipynb
This is notebook which I used for training B3-B5 Efficient Nets and receiving weights. It was initially forked from notebook.
- efficientnetensemble.ipynb
This is my final solution, 217 place on private leaderboard. It is based on ensemble of different Efficient Nets solutions.