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Removed incorrect license file #1

Removed incorrect license file

Removed incorrect license file #1

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: DevelToMain
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the devel branch
branches: [ main ]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Refactr pipeline for devel pull request/merge
- name: Refactr - Run RHEL 7 Pipeline (to main)
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@be91e2796aa225268e4685c0e01a26d5f800cd53
uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@v0.1.2
# API token
api_token: '${{ secrets.REFACTR_KEY }}'
# Project ID
project_id: 5f47f0c4a13c7b18373e5556
# Job ID
job_id: 5f90ad90f9c74e6d1e606e33
# Variables
variables: '{ "gitrepo": "", "image": "ami-098f55b4287a885ba", "username": "centos" }'
# Refactr API base URL
api_url: # optional
# Refactr pipeline for devel pull request/merge
- name: Refactr - Run RHEL 8 Pipeline (to main)
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@be91e2796aa225268e4685c0e01a26d5f800cd53
uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@v0.1.2
# API token
api_token: '${{ secrets.REFACTR_KEY }}'
# Project ID
project_id: 5f47f0c4a13c7b18373e5556
# Job ID
job_id: 5f90ad90f9c74e6d1e606e33
# Variables
variables: '{ "gitrepo": "", "image": "ami-0ac4afbf945e5d64f", "username": "centos" }'
# Refactr API base URL
api_url: # optional
# Refactr pipeline for devel pull request/merge
- name: Refactr - Run Ubuntu 16 Pipeline (to main)
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@be91e2796aa225268e4685c0e01a26d5f800cd53
uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@v0.1.2
# API token
api_token: '${{ secrets.REFACTR_KEY }}'
# Project ID
project_id: 5f47f0c4a13c7b18373e5556
# Job ID
job_id: 5f90ad90f9c74e6d1e606e33
# Variables
variables: '{ "gitrepo": "", "image": "ami-0736e75ba7ca6b797", "username": "ubuntu" }'
# Refactr API base URL
api_url: # optional
# Refactr pipeline for devel pull request/merge
- name: Refactr - Run Ubuntu 18 Pipeline (to main)
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@be91e2796aa225268e4685c0e01a26d5f800cd53
uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@v0.1.2
# API token
api_token: '${{ secrets.REFACTR_KEY }}'
# Project ID
project_id: 5f47f0c4a13c7b18373e5556
# Job ID
job_id: 5f90ad90f9c74e6d1e606e33
# Variables
variables: '{ "gitrepo": "", "image": "ami-0608f6bd6e0eec7cc", "username": "ubuntu" }'
# Refactr API base URL
api_url: # optional
# Refactr pipeline for devel pull request/merge
- name: Refactr - Run Ubuntu 20 Pipeline (to main)
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@be91e2796aa225268e4685c0e01a26d5f800cd53
uses: refactr/action-run-pipeline@v0.1.2
# API token
api_token: '${{ secrets.REFACTR_KEY }}'
# Project ID
project_id: 5f47f0c4a13c7b18373e5556
# Job ID
job_id: 5f90ad90f9c74e6d1e606e33
# Variables
variables: '{ "gitrepo": "", "image": "ami-0fe12c34e05228a69", "username": "ubuntu" }'
# Refactr API base URL
api_url: # optional