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Selim Emre Toy edited this page Jul 12, 2021 · 22 revisions

In this section, we're going to explain simply how to use JWT REST API Filter in Ant Media Server. By default, JWT REST API Filter is disabled and REST API IP Filter is enabled. You can use JWT Filter when you're consuming REST API from different endpoints. Before starting, you can get more information about JWT on Here is a simple step by step guide for using JWT REST API Filter.

Enable JWT Filter

We are using JJWT Library for Ant Media Server REST API security. If you want to enable this filter, you just need to enable JWT REST API Filter and type the Secret key on web panel. Secret key encrypts with HMAC-SHA256 in JWT REST API Filter.

Generate JWT Token

Let's assume that our secret key is zautXStXM9iW3aD3FuyPH0TdK4GHPmHq so that we just need to create JWT token. Luckily, there are plenty of libraries available at Libraries for JWT for your development. For our case, we will just use Debugger at JWT

As shown above, we use HS256 as algorithm and use our secret key zautXStXM9iW3aD3FuyPH0TdK4GHPmHq to generate the token. So that our JWT token to access the REST API is


Generate JWT Token with Expiration Time

Even if it's not necessary to have the payload, there are really useful options that can be used. For instance you can use exp(expiration time) for JWT token. In order to get more information for the structure, please visit to Introduction to JWT. Anyway, let me give an example about JWT Token with Expiration Time.

As shown above, the expiration time of the token is Mar 20, 2021 14:17:02 GMT+3. It means that you can use the generated token until the expiration time. The unit of expiration time is unix timestamp. When it expires, the JWT token becomes invalid.

Use Token for Accessing REST Filter API

Using JWT token is so simple just add Authorization header with JWT Token as shown below.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: {JWTToken}" "https://{domain:port}/{application}/rest/v2/broadcasts/create" -d '{"name":"{streamName}"}'

You can also use Postman as in the image below

*This feature is available in Ant Media Server 2.3+ versions.

JWKS Enable

The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server and signed using the RS256 signing algorithm.

If you want to use JWKS feature, you need to have Remote

  1. Add JWKS configurations on app settings. Add below parameters to /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/<App-Name>/WEB-INF/ file like as attached image.
settings.jwksURL=JWKS URL

For example:


Ant Media Server using JWKS to expose the public keys used by the signing party to all the clients that need to validate signatures. The anatomy of a JWKS is something like this:

  "keys": [
      "use": "sig",
      "kty": "RSA",
      "kid": "public:c424b67b-fe28-45d7-b015-f79da50b5b21",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "sttddbg-_yjXzcFpbMJB1fIFam9lQBeXWbTqzJwbuFbspHMsRowa8FaPw44l2C9Q42J3AdQD8CcNj2z7byCTSC5gaDAY30xvZoi5WDWkSjHblMPBUT2cDtw9bIZ6FocRp46KaKzeoVDv3a0EBg5cdAdrefawfZoruPZCLmyLqXZmBM8RbpYLChb-UFO25i7e4AoRJ2hNFYg0qM-hRZNwLliDfkafjnOgSu7_w0WDInNzbUuy26rb_yDNGEIylXHlt0BKcMoeO3sJEwS5EDAkXkvz_7zQ6lgDQ4OLihC4QDwkp7dV2iQxvd7D-XEaSIahiqdHlqR8cUYOJANDVRIufAzzkyK8Shu_MXhVUW7hH3hNjlEh198bCWANHcsZWF2_V78Rl-UzCjsAFWtttf6FYpR9Kt-8ILM3aAYTAk3OwsvzSeqTtWLHp96QE8Bcm1AmZfPWzsd3PpLuSM_wfx4oxDWhdaKQ-HK1hCYLNv2Vity2uNC_tbGxOD9syRujWKS6wFf2b3jFEudV0NUXQ_1Beu8Ir0jHzuA_0D22wgiaSJ9svfpJ7XyoD6fxyHSyhpMsXIDLmnwOPKmD67MFQ7Bv_9H91KZmr34oeh6PVWEwb4wUAkDaCebo6h0gdMoDfZTq9Gn5S-Aq0-_-fIfyN9qrrQ0E1Q_QDhvqXx8eQ1r9smM",
      "e": "AQAB"
      "use": "sig",
      "kty": "RSA",
      "kid": "public:9b9d0b47-b9ed-4ba6-9180-52fc5b161a3a",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "6f4qEUPMmYAyAQnGQOIx1UkIEVPPt1BnhDH70w3Gq6uYpm4hUyRFiM1oZ4_xB28gTmpR_SJZL31E_yZTLKPwKKsCDyF6YGhFtcyifhsLJc45GW4G4poX8Y34EIYlT63G9vutwNwzistWZZqBm52e-bdUQ7zjmWUGpgkq1GQJZyPz2lvA2bThRqqj94w1hqHSCXuAc90cN-Th0Ss1QhKesud7dIgaJQngjWWXdlPBqNYe1oCI04E3gcWdYRFhKey1lkO0WG4VtQxcMADgCrhFVgicpdYyNVqim7Tf31Is_bcQcbFdmumwxWewT-dC6ur3UAv1A97L567QCwlGDP5DAvH35NmL3w291tUd4q5Vlwz6gsRKqDhUSonISboWvvY2x_ndH1oE2hXYin4WL3SyCyp-De8d59C5UhC8KPTvA-3h_UfcPvz6DRDdNrKyRdKmn9vQQpTP9jMtK7Tks8qKxK4D4pesUmjiNMsVCo8AwJ-9hMd7TXamE9CErfDR7jCQONUMetLnitiM7nazCPXkO5tAhJKzQm1o0HvCVptwaa7MksfViK5YPMcCYc9bD1Uujo-782MXqAzdncu0nGKaJXnIsYB0-tFNiNXjuYFQ8KV5k5-Wnn0kga4CkCHlMU2umR19zFsFwFBdVngOYkCEG46KAgdGDqtj8t4d0GY8tcM",
      "e": "AQAB"
  1. Restart Ant Media Server sudo service antmedia restart

*This feature is available in Ant Media Server 2.4+ versions.

User Guide





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