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Spaceport Network Setup

Ali Tokur edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 9 revisions

Spaceport Network Setup

To run Spaceport on multiple machines, all the devices must be on the same local network. While working on multiple machines, you need only one roscore running. Choose one device for it- we will call it master(Subscriber-Ubuntu20.04). The next part of the tutorial is explained over 2 computers, 4 Jetson Nano, and 6 camera setup. For convenience, the devices are assigned sequential IP addresses. You can customize the devices and network settings for yourself In this scenario, hal is master. marvin1, marvin2, marvin3, marvin4, and marvin5 are clients.

Network Options for configuration are:

hal ( (subscriber - master)

antmedia( (publisher - client)

antmedia( (publisher - client)

antmedia( (publisher - client)

antmedia( (publisher - client)

antmedia( (publisher - client)

Step 1: We have to tell what the hostname means. To do it edit /etc/hostnames file with sudo privileges for all computers:

sudo gedit /etc/hosts

Add the following lines to the host file: hal marvin1 marvin2 marvin3 marvin4 marvin4

Step 2: For all devices open the .bashrc file. Add the following line:

export ROS_MASTER_URL=http://hal:11311

Step 3: Basic check – Please Try to ping each machine from itself.

ping hal

In the terminal, you should see similar lines below:

PING hal( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from hal( icmp_seq=1 til=64 time=0.309ms

64 bytes from hal ( icmp_seq=1 til=64 time=0.233ms

64 bytes from hal ( icmp_seq=1 til=64 time=0.293ms

64 bytes from hal ( icmp_seq=1 til=64 time=0.296ms

Step 4: Then please try to ping between all machines

Now, you are ready. After completing this tutorial you should be able to configure your devices to work together and exchange data with each other.

Next Step: Getting Transformation Matrices

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