crashmon - A CrashWrangler replacement based on LLDB
Crashmon, same as CrashWrangelr, is a LLDB wrapper together with that can be used to determine if a crash is an exploitable security issue, and if a crash is a duplicate of another known crash.
========= Build Instruction =========
macOSResearch ✗ git clone
macOSResearch ✗ cd crashmon
crashmon git:(main) ✗ make
Please use provided in crashmon folder as it has a modified version of exploitable command to pass the output as json.
cp crashmon/ ~/
CW_LISA_PY=~/ •/bin/crashmon tests/binaries/crashexec
For debugging macOS System Applications/Services, it is expected that you disable SIP as crashmon uses LLDB.
CW_LISA_PY: Path of the on your system.
CW_CURRENT_CASE: Path of the test case file that is being open in the target application. If set, crashmon will read and save the content of the test case file to triaged crash folder. This will be handy while fuzzing!
If set, use this pid as the process to monitor for crashes.
env CW_ATTACH_PID=12313 CW_CURRENT_CASE=foo ./crashmon
sudo env CW_ATTACH_PID=12313 CW_CURRENT_CASE=foo ./crashmon
CW_LOG_DIR: (Default ./crashlogs) The directory to output crashlogs to.
CW_JSON_STDOUT: (Default false) Write exploitable output as json to stdout.
CWE_*: If there are any environment variables prefixed with CWE_, delete the prefix and set the environment variable in the child. This does not apply when using CW_ATTACH_PID or CW_REGISTER_LAUNCHD_NAME.
No crash = 0 Crash = 1 Timeout = 2
The algorithm for determining exploitability looks like this:
Exploitable if Crash on write instruction Crash executing invalid address Crash calling an invalid address Illegal instruction exception Abort due to -fstack-protector, _FORTIFY_SOURCE, heap corruption detected Stack trace of crashing thread contains certain functions such as malloc, free, szone_error, objc_MsgSend, etc.
Not exploitable if Divide by zero exception Stack grows too large due to recursion Null dereference(read or write) Other abort Crash on read instruction
This is meant to be used just as an initial triage system! Don't really 100% on the crashmon's output as there might be bugs in
. I appreciate pull requests.
So, it's recommended to run the test case again with libgmalloc(3) on, and see if the crash changes to one that is considered to be exploitable.
- add exploitable checks
- test moreeee
- follow xpc services (target function -> 'xpc_connection_get_pid'. Usecase: Safari->WebContent)
- @apple for crashwrangler