This repository contains my MacVim configuration process for a new computer, it is based on my own work flow as a web developer (in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS) and it includes:
- my gvimrc file
- .vim directory containing various customization files including my own theme, snippets, syntax highlighting, etc.
- the font of my choice
I created this repository for my own needs and I highly recommend that you check it thoroughly before installing it on your system. I am not responsible if something goes wrong, so use at your own risk.
- MacVim
- Homebrew
- Karabiner Elements
- Add Karabiner rules - Change caps_lock key (rev 4+) & Change shift key (rev 2+)
brew install ripgrep
brew install universal-ctags
$ cd ~
$ mkdir .backups/.backup .backups/.swp .backups/.undo gutentags
$ git clone .vim
$ git clone ~/.vim/pack/minpac/opt/minpac
$ echo "runtime gvimrc" > .gvimrc
- Install one of the font variants from ~/.vim/antaed
:call minpac#update()
:call coc#util#install()
$ git config --global merge.tool diffconflicts
$ git config --global mergetool.diffconflicts.cmd "macvim -c DiffConflicts \"$MERGED\" \"$BASE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
$ git config --global mergetool.diffconflicts.trustExitCode true
$ git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false
- When MacVim launches: Check for updates
- Open files from applications: in a new window and set the arglist
- After last window closes: Hide MacVim
- check ~/.config/ permissions
- open files that won't load with MacVim and run
:w ++ff=unix