is an XPath query package for HTML, lets you extract data or evaluate from HTML documents by an XPath expression.
built-in the query object caching feature based on LRU, this feature will caching the recently used XPATH query string. Enable query caching can avoid re-compile XPath expression each query.
You can visit this page to learn about the supported XPath(1.0/2.0) syntax.
Name | Description |
htmlquery | XPath query package for the HTML document |
xmlquery | XPath query package for the XML document |
jsonquery | XPath query package for the JSON document |
go get
nodes, err := htmlquery.QueryAll(doc, "//a")
if err != nil {
panic(`not a valid XPath expression.`)
doc, err := htmlquery.LoadURL("")
filePath := "/home/user/sample.html"
doc, err := htmlquery.LoadDoc(filePath)
s := `<html>....</html>`
doc, err := htmlquery.Parse(strings.NewReader(s))
list := htmlquery.Find(doc, "//a")
list := htmlquery.Find(doc, "//a[@href]")
list := htmlquery.Find(doc, "//a/@href")
for _ , n := range list{
fmt.Println(htmlquery.InnerText(n)) // output @href value
a := htmlquery.FindOne(doc, "//a[3]")
a := htmlquery.FindOne(doc, "//a")
img := htmlquery.FindOne(a, "//img")
fmt.Prinln(htmlquery.SelectAttr(img, "src")) // output @src value
expr, _ := xpath.Compile("count(//img)")
v := expr.Evaluate(htmlquery.CreateXPathNavigator(doc)).(float64)
fmt.Printf("total count is %f", v)
func main() {
doc, err := htmlquery.LoadURL("")
if err != nil {
// Find all news item.
list, err := htmlquery.QueryAll(doc, "//ol/li")
if err != nil {
for i, n := range list {
a := htmlquery.FindOne(n, "//a")
if a != nil {
fmt.Printf("%d %s(%s)\n", i, htmlquery.InnerText(a), htmlquery.SelectAttr(a, "href"))
and QueryAll
both do the same things, searches all of matched html nodes.
The Find
will panics if you give an error XPath query, but QueryAll
will return an error for you.
Yes, you can. We offer the QuerySelector
and QuerySelectorAll
methods, It will accept your query expression object.
Cache a query expression object(or reused) will avoid re-compile XPath query expression, improve your query performance.
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkSelectorCache-4 20000000 55.2 ns/op
BenchmarkDisableSelectorCache-4 500000 3162 ns/op
htmlquery.DisableSelectorCache = true
Please let me know if you have any questions.