This repository builds the globalfit1 Idasoft ( and deploys it as a docker container to Official doc of globalfit1 Idasoft: .
- variable registryPrefix = antoinetran/
- in Jenkins credential store: credentialsId of Registry id: lisa_dockerhub
Creates in Jenkins a pipeline job with SCM attached to this git repository. Add the variable in the job. Then build it. This will push the docker container to the registry described beyond.
Just launch:
cd ./container_docker
docker build .
This will NOT push the docker container to the registry described beyond.
- docker container built and deployed to the registry defined beyond
- singularity executable in PATH
singularity build --fakeroot "${outputFile}" docker://antoinetran/cnes-lisa-globalfit1-idasoft:dev
The CNES HPC only works with singularity container and needs infiniband network driver to get the maximum performance. The driver is present in the cluster so the singularity build must be done on CNES HPC.
Prerequisite in CNES HPC:
- have ~/ that set proxy
To build:
. ~/
./container_singularity/ -o "${outputFile}"
mkdir /work/SC/lisa/${USER} -p
mv "${outputFile}" /work/SC/lisa/${USER}/cnes-lisa-globalfit1-idasoft-hpc.sif
Warning: do not put output directory to the shared file-system /work. Eg: this command will not work.
./ -o /work/SC/lisa/cnes-lisa-globalfit1-idasoft-hpc.sif
docker run --rm -ti antoinetran/cnes-lisa-globalfit1-idasoft:dev tree /usr/local/lib/ldasoft
|-- bin
| |-- gaussian_mixture_model
| |-- gb_catalog
| |-- gb_mcmc
| |-- noise_mcmc
| `-- vb_mcmc
|-- include
| |-- Constants.h
| |-- GalacticBinary.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryCatalog.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryData.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryFStatistic.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryIO.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryMCMC.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryMath.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryModel.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryPrior.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryProposal.h
| |-- GalacticBinaryWaveform.h
| |-- LISA.h
| |-- Noise.h
| |-- gbmcmc.h
| `-- gitversion.h
`-- lib
|-- libgbmcmc.a
|-- liblisa.a
|-- libnoise.a
`-- libtools.a
3 directories, 25 files
docker run --rm -ti antoinetran/cnes-lisa-globalfit1-idasoft:dev tree /usr/local/lib/mbh
|-- bin
| |-- mbh_mcmc
| `-- mbh_post
|-- include
| |-- Constants.h
| |-- Declarations.h
| |-- IMRPhenomD.h
| |-- IMRPhenomD_internals.h
| `-- mbh.h
`-- lib
|-- cmake
| `-- mbh
| |-- MBHConfig-release.cmake
| `-- MBHConfig.cmake
`-- libmbh.a
5 directories, 10 files
- to have Sangria V2 dataset ( in /work/SC/lisa/LDC/LDCdata/Challenge2/LDC2_sangria_training_v2.h5
- to have qsub in PATH
- to have singularity container as SIF file in
These commands will run 2 differents HelloWorld program.
qsub -W block=true -v runningMode=mpiHelloRingC,singularityFile="${sifFile}" ./run/
qsub -W block=true -v runningMode=mpiHelloMpiTest,singularityFile="${sifFile}" ./run/
For Globalfit, the performance tuning are set like this (this will override variables set in script):
# Default is 100000. Estimation time (depends on the ressources): default steps takes around a week. 10000 steps takes around 30min.
# select=Number of node
# ncpus=Number of Cpus per node for all processes
# mpiprocs=Number of Cpus per node allocated for MPI.
# Number of OpenMP threads. The higher the lesser for walltime (better).
# Number of chains for tempering movement. Must be a multiple of OpenMP threads.
This will set Globalfit to simple mode: noise + UCB enabled. MBH + VGB disabled.
This will set Globalfit to full mode: noise + UCB + MBH + VGB enabled, using auxiliary files in ./run directory.
This will use auxiliary files for nominal profile.
This will use auxiliary files for profiling profile.
This will run Globalfit with OpenMPI and OpenMP using PBS.
qsub -W block=true -l "${pbsRss}" -l walltime="${walltime}" -v "${qsubVar}" ./run/
TODO. See Tyson's original files ./run/ in auxiliaryfiles directory.
If successful, the output structure should be (when launched with globalFitMode=full
├── mbh
│ └── src0000
│ ├── chain.dat
│ ├── data_0.dat.temp
│ └── power_data_0.dat.temp
├── noise
│ ├── chains
│ │ ├── log_likelihood_chain.dat
│ │ ├── model_chain.dat.0
│ │ ├── noise_chain.dat.0
│ │ ├── parameter_chain.dat.0
│ │ └── temperature_chain.dat
│ ├── checkpoint
│ └── data
│ ├── current_interpolated_spline_points.dat
│ ├── current_spline_points.dat
│ ├── data_0.dat
│ ├── final_interpolated_spline_points.dat
│ ├── final_spline_points.dat
│ ├── initial_spline_points.dat
│ ├── interpolated_spline_points.dat
│ ├── power_data_0.dat
│ ├── power_injection_0.dat
│ ├── power_noise_0.dat
│ ├── power_noise_t0.dat
│ └── waveform_injection_0.dat
├── output.txt
├── ucb
│ ├── seg_0000
│ │ ├── chains
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.1
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.2
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.3
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.4
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.5
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.6
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.7
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.8
│ │ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.9
│ │ │ ├── model_chain.dat.0
│ │ │ ├── noise_chain.dat.0
│ │ │ └── parameter_chain.dat.0
│ │ ├── checkpoint
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_0.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_10.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_11.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_12.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_13.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_14.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_1.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_2.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_3.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_4.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_5.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_6.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_7.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_8.dat
│ │ │ ├── chain_state_9.dat
│ │ │ └── fstat_prop.bin
│ │ ├── data
│ │ │ ├── data_0.dat
│ │ │ ├── power_data_0.dat
│ │ │ ├── power_injection_0.dat
│ │ │ ├── power_noise_0.dat
│ │ │ ├── power_reconstruction_t0.dat
│ │ │ ├── power_residual_t0.dat
│ │ │ ├── variance_residual_t0.dat
│ │ │ └── waveform_injection_0.dat
│ │ ├── evidence.dat
│ │ └──
│ ├── seg_0001
└── vgb
├── seg_0000
│ ├── chains
│ │ ├── dimension_chain.dat.1
│ │ ├── model_chain.dat.0
│ │ ├── noise_chain.dat.0
│ │ └── parameter_chain.dat.0
│ ├── checkpoint
│ └── data
│ ├── data_0.dat
│ ├── power_data_0.dat
│ ├── power_injection_0.dat
│ ├── power_noise_0.dat
│ ├── power_reconstruction_t0.dat
│ ├── power_residual_t0.dat
│ ├── variance_residual_t0.dat
│ └── waveform_injection_0.dat
├── seg_0001
To give an idea of size, when ./run/scenarios/ (steps=10000
) is launched, it ended in 15 min and output size is 126MB.