The main goal of this library is to provide fast and strong database to Dart developers.
This repository contains fork of Tarantool Database (currently 2.8.4 version, will be updated to 2.11 after release).
Currently there are a lot of local database solutions for Dart (Isaar, Hive, ObjectBox) and a lot of connectors to famous databases (such as Redis, Postgres, Mongo, .etc).
But also exists need of predictable and controllable data storage solution with freedom of customization of data processing logic.
Dart Tarantool storage should helps with this need by combining Tarantool features and Dart language features.
- schema and schemaless per space
- speed
- in-memory and disk engines per space
- asynchronouse replication and synchronous replication with raft and auto leader election
- fluent and predictable data processing (you write code in procedural style which is working with your data)
- transactional
- (after 2.10) MVCC and interactive (stream) transactions - currently not supported in this library
- sharding - currently not supported in this library
Tarantool is using as shared library (.so) and running in separate single thread.
Between Tarantool and Dart code existing ring buffer which transporting messages from Dart to Tarantool.
After execution of message Tarantool thread will notify DartVM with Dart_Post.
Message structure: {type,function,input,output,batch[{function,input,output,error}],error}
- type or action of messagefunction
- pointer to binding function which should be called in Tarantool thread and has access to Tarantool APIinput
- binding function argumentoutput
- holder for function resulterror
- holder for Tarantool error which could happen during function callingbatch
- array of structure simillar to message (for bulk execution of functions)
- call - calling function on Tarantool thread with access to Tarantool API
- batch - mark that it is batch message and binding should handle batch processing
- begin - Tarantool transaction begin
- commit - Tarantool transaction commit
- rollback - Tarantool transaction rollback
- stop - used only inside native binding code, stops the binding message loop
- management request - operations for manage Tarantool, for example initialize, shutdown, .etc
- space request - data operations for space, usally contains space id
- index request - data operations for index, usally contains space id and index id
- iterator next request - get next element by iterator
- execution request - execute Lua or Native function on Tarantool thread with access to Tarantool API
- Create Dart project with pubspec.yaml
- Add this section to dependencies:
path: binding/dart
- Run
dart pub get
- Run
dart run tarantool_storage:setup
- Look at the API and Enjoy!
You can find simple example here
For initialize and boot library use Storage.boot()
You can provide bootstrap lua script, change configuration and also provide initial user which will be used for replication.
There are Lua files in lua
They are loading from root file storage.lua
You can write custom code in the end of that file or in module.lua
All Tarantool Lua API is available for usage.
For execution of custom Lua functions you can use StorageExecutor.lua
There are native header files in native
They are compiling during run dart run tarantool_storage:compile
You can write custom definitions in module.h
file and create module.c
for implementations.
All Tarantool Native API is available for usage in your functions.
For execution of custom Native functions you can use StorageExecutor.native
If specify activateReloader
in Storage.boot
function Tarantool will reload Native and Lua modules when received SIGHUP signal.
So you can change Lua scripts or Native files (and recompile them) and your changes will be applied after SIGHUP.
If you want distribute your module then run dart run tarantool_storage:pack ${path to main dart file}
This command will recompile Native files and create ${directory name}.tar.gz
archive with executables, libraries and lua scripts.
After it you can transfer archive to whatever place you want, unarchive it and run module.exe
Future<void> boot(StorageBootstrapScript script, StorageMessageLoopConfiguration loop, {StorageBootConfiguration? boot, activateReloader = false}) async
bool mutable()
bool initialized()
Future<void> awaitInitialized()
Future<void> awaitImmutable()
Future<void> awaitMutable()
void shutdown()
void close()
StorageNativeModule loadModuleByPath(String libraryPath)
StorageNativeModule loadModuleByName(String libraryName)
Future<void> reload() async
Future<List<List<dynamic>>?> next(StorageIterator iterator, int count)
Future<void> destroyIterator(StorageIterator iterator)
Future<void> begin()
Future<void> commit()
Future<void> rollback()
Future<void> transactional(FutureOr<void> Function(StorageExecutor executor) function)
Future<bool> hasTransaction()
StorageSpace spaceById(int id)
Future<StorageSpace> spaceByName(String name)
Future<int> spaceId(String space)
Future<bool> spaceExists(String space)
Future<StorageIndex> indexByName(String spaceName, String indexName)
Future<bool> indexExists(int spaceId, String indexName)
StorageIndex indexById(int spaceId, int indexId)
Future<int> indexId(int spaceId, String index)
Future<void> createSpace( String name, { StorageEngine? engine, int? fieldCount, List<StorageSpaceField>? format, int? id, bool? ifNotExists, bool? local, bool? synchronous, bool? temporary, String? user, })
Future<void> alterSpace( String name, { int? fieldCount, List<StorageSpaceField>? format, bool? synchronous, bool? temporary, String? user, })
Future<void> renameSpace(String from, String to)
Future<void> dropSpace(String name)
Future<void> createIndex( String spaceName, String indexName, { IndexType? type, int? id, bool? unique, bool? ifNotExists, List<StorageIndexPart>? parts, })
Future<void> alterIndex(String spaceName, String indexName, {List<StorageIndexPart>? parts})
Future<void> dropIndex(String spaceName, String indexName)
Future<void> createUser(String name, String password, {bool? ifNotExists})
Future<void> dropUser(String name)
Future<void> changePassword(String name, String password)
Future<bool> userExists(String name)
Future<void> grantUser( String name, { required String privileges, String? objectType, String? objectName, String? roleName, bool? ifNotExists, })
Future<void> revokeUser( String name, { required String privileges, String? objectType, String? objectName, String? roleName, bool? universe, bool? ifNotExists, })
Future<int> count({List<dynamic> key = const [], StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq})
Future<bool> isEmpty()
Future<bool> isNotEmpty()
Future<int> length()
Future<StorageIterator> iterator({List<dynamic> key = const [], StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq})
Future<List<dynamic>> insert(List<dynamic> data)
Future<List<dynamic>> put(List<dynamic> data)
Future<List<dynamic>> get(List<dynamic> key)
Future<List<dynamic>> delete(List<dynamic> key)
Future<List<dynamic>> min({List<dynamic> key = const []})
Future<List<dynamic>> max({List<dynamic> key = const []})
Future<void> truncate()
Future<List<dynamic>> update(List<dynamic> key, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
Future<List<dynamic>> upsert(List<dynamic> tuple, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
Future<List<dynamic>> select({ List<dynamic> key = const [], int offset = 0, int limit = int32Max, StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq, })
Future<List<dynamic>> batch(StorageBatchSpaceBuilder Function(StorageBatchSpaceBuilder builder) builder)
Future<int> count({List<dynamic> key = const [], StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq})
Future<int> length()
Future<StorageIterator> iterator({List<dynamic> key = const [], StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq})
Future<List<dynamic>> get(List<dynamic> key)
Future<List<dynamic>> min({List<dynamic> key = const []})
Future<List<dynamic>> max({List<dynamic> key = const []})
Future<List<dynamic>> update(List<dynamic> key, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
Future<List<dynamic>> select({ List<dynamic> key = const [], int offset = 0, int limit = int32Max, StorageIteratorType iteratorType = StorageIteratorType.eq, })
Future<List<dynamic>> batch(StorageBatchIndexBuilder Function(StorageBatchIndexBuilder builder) builder)
Future<List<List<dynamic>>?> next({int count = 1})
Future<void> destroy()
Future<void> destroy()
Future<List<dynamic>> collect({ bool Function(List<dynamic> value)? filter, dynamic Function(List<dynamic> value)? map, int? limit, int? offset, int count = 1, })
Future<void> forEach( void Function(dynamic element) action, { bool Function(List<dynamic> value)? filter, dynamic Function(List<dynamic> value)? map, int? limit, int? offset, int count = 1, })
Stream<dynamic> stream({ bool Function(List<dynamic> value)? filter, dynamic Function(List<dynamic> value)? map, int? limit, int? offset, int count = 1, }) async*
void insert(List<dynamic> data)
void put(List<dynamic> data)
void put(List<dynamic> data)
void delete(List<dynamic> data)
void update(List<dynamic> key, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
void upsert(List<dynamic> tuple, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
void insertMany(List<List<dynamic>> data)
void putMany(List<List<dynamic>> data)
void putMany(List<List<dynamic>> data)
void deleteMany(List<List<dynamic>> data)
void update(List<dynamic> key, List<StorageUpdateOperation> operations)
Future<void> startBackup()
Future<void> stopBackup()
Future<void> promote()
Future<void> configure(StorageConfiguration configuration)
Future<List<dynamic>> script(String expression, {List<dynamic> arguments = const []})
Future<void> file(File file)
Future<void> require(String module)
Future<List<dynamic>> call(String function, {List<dynamic> arguments = const []})
Future<Pointer<Void>> call(tarantool_function function, {tarantool_function_argument? argument})
TODO: Make benchmark on preferable machine
Latest benchmark results (count of entities - 1M, single dart Isolate):
- Get RPS: 200k
- Lua function RPS: 200k
- Select time: 250 milliseconds
- Iterator time (with 1k prefetch count): 1 second
- Batch insert: 2.7 seconds
- Linux only
- Currently not supported Tarantool VShard but you still can use it by writing lua code to
- Currently not tested Tarantool MVCC but you can enable it by configuration
- Currently tested only on x86 proccessors, arm and other not tested but could work
- Not production tested, current version be just coded and tested by function unit tests, possible bug
- Restart requires restart of process because Tarantool can't be fully shutdown and some stuff stays in memory
- Full size of static build of library is 70mb which could be critical for embedded or mobile devices
- Benchmarks and optimization
- CI for building library and way to provide it to user modules (currently library included with sources, that is not good)
- Dart network transport based on io_uring
- Flutter UI for management and administration
- Upgrade to Tarantool 2.11
- Demo project
Currently maintainer hasn't resources on maintain pull requests but issues are welcome.
Every issue will be observed, discussed and applied or closed if this project does not need it.