A simple and sane fake data generator for C# and .NET. Bogus is a C# port of faker.js and inspired by FluentValidation's syntax sugar.
Bogus will help you load databases, UI and apps with fake data for your testing needs.
Nuget Package Bogus
Install-Package Bogus
public enum Gender
//Set the randomzier seed if you wish to generate repeatable data sets.
Randomizer.Seed = new Random(3897234);
var fruit = new[] { "apple", "banana", "orange", "strawberry", "kiwi" };
var orderIds = 0;
var testOrders = new Faker<Order>()
//Ensure all properties have rules.
//OrderId is deterministic
.RuleFor(o => o.OrderId, f => orderIds++)
//Pick some fruit from a basket
.RuleFor(o => o.Item, f => f.PickRandom(fruit))
//A random quantity from 1 to 10
.RuleFor(o => o.Quantity, f => f.Random.Number(1, 10));
var userIds = 0;
var testUsers = new Faker<User>()
//Optional: Call for objects that have complex initialization
.CustomInstantiator(f => new User(userIds++, f.Random.Replace("###-##-####")))
//Basic rules using built-in generators
.RuleFor(u => u.FirstName, f => f.Name.FirstName())
.RuleFor(u => u.LastName, f => f.Name.LastName())
.RuleFor(u => u.Avatar, f => f.Internet.Avatar())
.RuleFor(u => u.UserName, (f, u) => f.Internet.UserName(u.FirstName, u.LastName))
.RuleFor(u => u.Email, (f, u) => f.Internet.Email(u.FirstName, u.LastName))
//Use an enum outside scope.
.RuleFor(u => u.Gender, f => f.PickRandom<Gender>())
//Use a method outside scope.
.RuleFor(u => u.CartId, f => Guid.NewGuid())
//Compound property with context, use the first/last name properties
.RuleFor(u => u.FullName, (f, u) => u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName)
//And composability of a complex collection.
.RuleFor(u => u.Orders, f => testOrders.Generate(3).ToList())
//After all rules are applied finish with the following action
.FinishWith((f, u) =>
Console.WriteLine("User Created! Id={0}", u.Id);
var user = testUsers.Generate();
User Created! Id=0
"Id": 0,
"FirstName": "Audrey",
"LastName": "Spencer",
"FullName": "Audrey Spencer",
"UserName": "Audrey_Spencer72",
"Email": "Audrey82@gmail.com",
"Avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/itstotallyamy/128.jpg",
"CartId": "863f9462-5b88-471f-b833-991d68db8c93",
"SSN": "923-88-4231",
"Gender": 0,
"Orders": [
"OrderId": 0,
"Item": "orange",
"Quantity": 8
"OrderId": 1,
"Item": "banana",
"Quantity": 2
"OrderId": 2,
"Item": "kiwi",
"Quantity": 9
} */
Since we're a port of faker.js, we support a whole bunch of different locales. Here's an example in Korean:
public void With_Korean_Locale()
var lorem = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem(locale: "ko");
/* 국가는 무상으로 행위로 의무를 구성하지 신체의 처벌받지 예술가의 경우와 */
Bogus has support following locales:
Locale Code | Language |
de |
German |
de_AT |
German (Austria) |
de_CH |
German (Switzerland) |
en |
English |
en_AU |
Australia (English) |
en_au_ocker |
Australia Ocker (English) |
en_BORK |
Bork (English) |
en_CA |
Canada (English) |
en_GB |
Great Britain (English) |
en_IND |
India (English) |
en_US |
United States (English) |
es |
Spanish |
fa |
Farsi |
fr |
French |
ge |
Georgian |
it |
Italian |
ja |
Japanese |
ko |
Korean |
nb_NO |
Norwegian |
nep |
Nepalese |
nl |
Dutch |
pl |
Polish |
pt_BR |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
ru |
Russian |
sk |
Slovakian |
sv |
Swedish |
tr |
Turkish |
vi |
Vietnamese |
zh_CN |
Chinese |
zh_TW |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
If you'd like to help contribute new locales or update existing ones please see our Creating Locales wiki page for more info.
You can use Bogus without a complex setup. Just use a dataset directly.
public void Without_Fluent_Syntax()
var random = new Bogus.Randomizer();
var lorem = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem();
var o = new Order()
OrderId = random.Number(1, 100),
Item = lorem.Sentance(),
Quantity = random.Number(1, 10)
"OrderId": 61,
"Item": "vel est ipsa",
"Quantity": 7
} */
If you want to generate a Person
with context relevant properties like
an email that looks like it belongs to someone with the same first/last name,
create a person!
public void Create_Context_Related_Person()
var person = new Bogus.Person();
"FirstName": "Lee",
"LastName": "Brown",
"UserName": "Lee_Brown3",
"Avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/ccinojasso1/128.jpg",
"Email": "Lee_Brown369@yahoo.com",
"DateOfBirth": "1984-01-16T21:31:27.87666",
"Address": {
"Street": "2552 Bernard Rapid",
"Suite": "Suite 199",
"City": "New Haskell side",
"ZipCode": "78425-0411",
"Geo": {
"Lat": -35.8154,
"Lng": -140.2044
"Phone": "1-500-790-8836 x5069",
"Website": "javier.biz",
"Company": {
"Name": "Kuphal and Sons",
"CatchPhrase": "Organic even-keeled monitoring",
"Bs": "open-source brand e-business"
} */
Replace a formatted string with some numbers:
public void Create_an_SSN()
var ssn = new Bogus.Randomizer().Replace("###-##-####");
- Download the source code.
- Run
Upon successful build, the results will be in the \__package
Created by Brian Chavez.
A big thanks to GitHub and all contributors: