This is a simple and elegant Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume template for LaTeX (XeTeX, actually). This template was inspired by work from Alessandro Plasmati. You can find the original templates in the templates dir.
I have refactored and cleaned up all the template configurations and macros into a separate style: joycv.sty
You can check out my own CV formatted with joycv as an example: cv.tex
To generate the PDF you just run:
xelatex cv.tex
pdflatex cv.tex
If you are on Mac OS X and use MacTeX Basic you will need to install the following packages (e.g. sudo tlmgr install PACKAGE_NAME):
- currvita
- classicthesis
- palatino
- soul
- titlesec
- tocloft
- mathpazo
- lm
- zapfding
- enumitem
Feel free to fork and edit! I will be happy to integrate patches and improvements.