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Projects completed during the C Piscine in 42 Malaga

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This repository contains all the projects I completed during my participation in the C Piscine at the Malaga campus from 17 October to 11 November 2022.

🏊‍♂️ About 42

42 is a global education initiative that proposes a new way of learning technology based on the following principles:

  • No courses. No teachers. No classes.
  • A project method.
  • Failing is progressing.
  • Peer-to-peer learning.
  • Peer-to-peer evaluation.
  • Group work is not cheating.

The 42 cursus is free for whoever is approved in its selection process. The so-called "C Piscine", a 26-day C programming bootcamp, is the last stage in the selection process for becoming a "cadet" (42's student).

During the Piscine, I learned C Language (It is the main program used for both projects and exams), Shell (The first two days are dedicated to learning the necessary commands to be able to navigate through the MAC terminal) and Git (All projects are submitted via a remote git repository).

💻 C Projects

  • ft_putchar -> Displays the character used as parameter.
  • ft_print_alphabet -> Displays the lowercase alphabet on a single line.
  • ft_print_reverse_alphabet -> Displays the lowercase alphabet on a single line in descending order.
  • ft_print_numbers -> Displays all digits on a single line.
  • ft_is_negative -> Displays "N" or "P" depending on the sign of the integer used as parameter.
  • ft_print_comb -> Displays all possible combinations of three different digits in ascending order.
  • ft_print_comb2 -> Displays all possible combinations of two numbers between 0 and 99 in ascending order.
  • ft_putnbr -> Displays the number used as parameter.
  • ft_ft -> Changes the value of an integer by receiving its pointer as parameter.
  • ft_ultimate_ft -> Changes the value of an integer by receiving its 9º pointer as parameter.
  • ft_swap -> Swaps the value of two integers whose addresses are used as parameters.
  • ft_div_mod -> Divides two integers and stores the result in the pointers passed as parameters.
  • ft_ultimate_div_mod -> Divides two integers and stores the result in the pointers of those same integers.
  • ft_putstr -> Displays the characters of a string.
  • ft_strlen -> Displays the number of characters in a string.
  • ft_rev_int_tab -> Inverts an array of integers.
  • ft_sort_int_tab -> Sorts an array of integers.
  • ft_strcpy -> Copies a string of characters, including the null character.
  • ft_strncpy -> Copies a string of characters (including the null character), but no more than n bytes.
  • ft_str_is_alpha -> Checks if the string contains only alphabetic characters.
  • ft_str_is_numeric -> Checks if the string contains only digits.
  • ft_str_is_lowercase -> Checks if the string contains only lowercase alphabetic characters.
  • ft_str_is_uppercase -> Checks if the string contains only uppercase alphabetic characters.
  • ft_str_is_printable -> Checks if the string contains only printable characters.
  • ft_strupcase -> Converts each letter to uppercase.
  • ft_strlowcase -> Converts each letter to lowercase.
  • ft_strcapitalize -> Converts the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
  • ft_strlcpy -> Copies a string of characters (including the null character), but no more than n - 1 characters.
  • ft_strcmp -> Compares two strings.
  • ft_strncmp -> Compares two strings, but no more than the first n characters.
  • ft_strcat -> Concatenates two strings.
  • ft_strncat -> Concatenate two strings, but no more than the first n characters.
  • ft_strstr -> Locates a substring.
  • ft_strlcat -> Concatenate two strings, but no more than n - 1 characters.
  • ft_strlen -> Displays the number of characters in a string.
  • ft_putstr -> Displays the characters of a string.
  • ft_putnbr -> Displays the number used as parameter.
  • ft_atoi -> Converts the beginning of a string to an integer.
  • ft_putnbr_base -> Displays a number on a given base.
  • ft_print_program_name -> Program that displays the program name.
  • ft_print_params -> Program that displays the arguments received on the command line.
  • ft_rev_params -> Program that displays the arguments received on the command line in reverse order.
  • ft_sort_params -> Program that displays the arguments received on the command line sorted according to ASCII.

🎓 Curriculum

Below are all the projects/exams I did during the Piscine stage in chronological order. Also, I have included the level that I got in the 42 intranet after submitting each project.

Shell 00 Shell Basic commands in Shell 100% ✅ Level 0 (88%)
C 00 C Basic functions in C 85% ✅ Level 1 (55%)
C 01 C Pointers 100% ✅ Level 2 (31%)
Rush 00 C Team project 116% ✅ Level 3 (49%)
Exam 01 C - 32% ✅ Level 3 (93%)
C 02 C Replicating existing C functions 85% ✅ Level 4 (49%)
C 03 C Replicating existing C functions 100% ✅ Level 4 (95%)
C 04 C Replicating existing C functions 85% ✅ Level 5 (35%)
Exam 02 C - 70% ✅ Level 6 (08%)
C 05 C Recursion 80% ✅ Level 6 (50%)
C 06 C Programs in C 100% ✅ Level 6 (81%)
Shell 01 Shell Advanced commands in Shell 100% ✅ Level 7 (22%)
Final Exam C - 66% ✅ Level 8 (11%)

All the projects have been tested by Moulinette.

💡 Useful links

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Projects completed during the C Piscine in 42 Malaga




