This repository contains CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) lists organized by geographical regions for routing VPNs in my router.
- Primary data: MaxMind GeoLite2
- Updated via:
- Lists filtered by regions: US, Europe, CIS, Russia, China
- Separated by IPv4 and IPv6
- Subnets merged for a little bit of compression
- All subnets presented in CIDR format
- Run to update the data manually; it is easily configurable to change/add regions that you may want
As these lists are based on a database originating from MaxMind GeoLite2 data, it is implied that the original GeoLite2 End User License Agreement may apply to them too.
Please see:
Any scripts here may be used as you see fit.
Here's list of another data I use for my router configs: