Be able to feed your fish and watch it when on vacation for exampe using your phone. Usually, feeders, I guess, do not have cameras.
Very useful if you have a spare raspberry pi and some webcam and some reading tutorials skills.
- Be willing to play with raspberry pi CMD and do some very simple soldering.
- Have (buy) a simple feeder Juwel Automatic Feeder (Juwel Easyfeed 15 Euro) or similar.
- Make app available outside the home network. One can use Dynamic DNS Providers. It is not as scary as it sounds, it is just another tutorial to read.
- uses proper feeding device
- no need to do 3d printing
- it is cheap, especially, if you have spare old raspberry with some old webcam
- raspberry pi powers feeder
- it looks awesome
- you can see you fish
- uses basic authentication so noone else can feed your fish
- Raspbery Pi (I used model B+)
- Juwel Automatic Feeder (Juwel Easyfeed) or with similar approach 3 Volt (2 x 1.5v batteries) which has a button for manual feeding.
For this particular feeder feedPin.writeSync(0)
should be manually start the process.
I used 1k resistor between GPIO pin and switch but it might be unnecessary.
[+] is connected to PI 3.3V
[-] connected to PI ground
In the end I end up using mjpeg-streamer because it is not using as much CPU asmotion
on my hardware but if hardware is ok with motion go for it -
install node v12.21.0
sudo wget -O - | bash
tar -xzf node-v12.21.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz.1
cd node-v12.21.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz.1
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
- Install app
In project folder
sudo git clone <this repo>
cd <this repo>
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm onoff
sudo npm i
- install supervisorctl
Needed to start processes o n startup.
sudo apt-get install supervisor
Point supervisorctl config to the location of your app
sudo nano /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
files = /home/pi/remote-fish-feeder/supervisor_scripts/*.conf
After changing configs please run:
sudo supervisorctl reread & sudo supervisorctl update
Some useul supervisorctl commands:
sudo supervisorctl status
sudo supervisorctl stop all
sudo supervisorctl start all
- check/provide your camera stream url in
, especially, if you are not usingmjpeg-streamer
- change password in
so noone else can access your fish - change the resolution if needed in video.conf
- do a nasty router config if you do not have a static IP. Check Dynamic DNS Providers tutorials.
For example I used and in Dynamic DNS Settings
of my router.
If any questions/feedback please leave in video comments. I can also provide image of the raspberry pi OS with everything preinstalled if needed.