Implementation of web based software for handling electronic health records using Flask, html, CSS , bootstrap and mongodb to show high level implementation of blockchain.
Html+CSS+Bootstrap+JS has been utilized to create an intuitive website that allow users to login as admin, doctor or patient and perform their specific niche operations. The information collected to create a new medical record is based on the key points provided by the Ministry of Health and family welfare.
Blockchain implementation (Backend): Flask, the micro framework in python is utilized for the implementation.
Information collected is stored in the cloud server (MongoDB) and a block is created with hash based on attributes of the medical record and it also holds the previous hash and timestamp of creation.
Note : No blockchain implementation is used. A custom highly level blockchain like architecture is developed to replicate the blockchain functionality.
Username : PAT001
Password : password
Username : DOC1
Password : password
Requirements : Python 3.x version
Clone the project to local directory
git clone
Change directory to cloned project
cd Blockchain_for_EHR
Install the pip module dependencies (Preferably in virtual enivironment)
pip install - r requirements.txt
Then, run the main file
If you want to configure your own mongodb connection
- Create an account in MongoDB Cloud atlas
- Create a cluster and retrieve the connection url
- Update the connection URL in Line 61 of file
View the website live at http://localhost:5000/