Generate DTOs with mappers based on existing Go types.
go install
godtogen --src <value> --dst <value> [--out <value>] [-rename <value>] [fields]
[fields] should follow a pattern of <name>[=rename][.type]
<name> determines name of a field on source object. Required.
[=rename] can be used to rename field. Optional.
[.type] can be used to override field type. Optional.
For example: "Foo=Bar.MyType" will rename field "Foo" to "Bar", and change its type to "MyType".
If no fields are selected, all fields from the source will be used.
--all-fields All fields of source object will be used. You can still use it with [fields] arguments, if you want to rename field, or change its type.
-d, --dst string Path to destination package, where generated object will be placed.
Absolute and relative import paths are supported.
-h, --help Show help prompt.
-o, --out string Path to file, to which generated code will be saved. If empty, stdout will be used.
-r, --rename string Desired name of generated object. If empty, source name will be used.
-s, --src string Path to source object, based on which generation will happen.
Value should follow <import path>.<type> pattern. For example "net/http.Response". Absolute and relative import paths are supported.
Create DTO for type Response
from package net/http
. Destination package is set to relative ./my/dto
. We are picking 4 specific fields, and specifying that Body
field should be renamed to ResponseBody
godtogen --src net/http.Response --dst ./my/dto Status StatusCode Body=ResponseBody Request
package dto
import (
type Response struct {
Status string
StatusCode int
ResponseBody io.ReadCloser
Request *Request
func NewResponse(src http.Response) Response {
return Response{
Status: src.Status,
StatusCode: src.StatusCode,
ResponseBody: src.Body,
Request: src.Request,
When source fields is not exported, mapper will automatically look for getters.
godtogen --src ./test/testdata/struct_mapper_with_getters.Input --dst dto
package dto
import (
type Input struct {
Id string
Metadata _misc.CustomType
CreatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
func NewInput(src struct_mapper_with_getters.Input) Input {
return Input{
Id: src.ID(),
Metadata: src.Metadata,
CreatedAt: src.GetCreatedAt(),
DeletedAt: src.DeletedAt(),