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  • Set up Application Express & Database
  • Initialize Express JS
  1. mkdir folder-name // make a directory
  2. cd folder-name // change to dorectory
  3. git init // git initialize
  4. npm init -y // npm initialize with yes answer to all question
  5. npm install express
  6. npm install nodemon -G // to hot reload with Global
  7. touch server.js // create a file
  8. code . // to open VS Code
  9. npm run dev // run as dev with nodemon
  • Set up PostgreSql Database Using Docker and Initialize Sequelize
  1. sudo docker --version // to check docker
  2. mkdir folder-database // make a database directory
  3. sudo docker run -d --name container-name -p 5430:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v ${pwd}/database:/var/lib/postgresql/ata postgres:12 // create container, volume & image postgres
  4. sudo docker ps // to check container in running
  5. npm i sequelize sequelize-cli pg pg-hstore dotenv --save // sequelize-cli (ORM), pg-hstore (driver), dotenv (parsing env variable)
  6. create a file .env

sequelize migration -> project bootstraping

  1. create a file .sequelizerc
  2. npx sequelize-cli init // inisialize .sequelizerc
  3. npm sequelize-cli db:create // create db
  • Set up Instance User
  1. npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes \ username:string,email:string,passwod:string \ --underscored // generate db with attibutes
  2. add tableName in user.js
  3. add constraint Unique attributes in create-user.js
  4. npx sequelize-cli db:migrate // to migrate db

sudo docker exec -it container-name bash // to check db in docker

psql -h localhost -U postgres -W // to enter db

\l -> \c db-name -> \d -> \d table-name

note: npx sequlize-cli db:migrate:undo // to change data type

  • Make Authentication
  • Create Route Auth
  1. make directory routes then create files index.js & auth.js
  2. make directory controllers then create file auth-controller.js
  3. create function register
  • Create Register
  1. create file user.js in routes directory
  2. npm i bcrypt --save // labrary to hashing password
  3. trial REST API using postman
  • Create Error Handler App Express
  1. make directory helpers and create file api-error.js
  2. make dorectory middlewares and create file error-handler.js
  • Create Login
  1. create function login in auth-controller.js
  • Create Validation Request Body using Joi
  1. npm install joi
  2. create file validation-schema.js in helpers directory
  3. create file validation.js in middlewares directory
  • Create Middleware Authentication JWT
  1. create file auth-jwt.js in helpers directory
  2. create payload and token in login function
  3. create file auth.js in middlewares directory
  4. create function authentication in auth.js
  5. create file user-controller.js in controllers directory
  6. create function profile in user-controller.js
  • Create Migrations to add Role attribute in User Table
  1. npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name add-role-users
  2. npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

sudo docker exec -it container-name bash // to check db in docker

psql -h localhost -U postgres -W // to enter db

\l -> \c db-name -> \d -> \d table-name

  • Create Middelware Authorization
  1. create function authorization in middlewares/auth.js
  2. create function list in controllers/user-controller.js


Authentication express js using jwt






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