Blockchains record trust like an atomic clock records time. Unlike trust, time marches ever forward and is irreversible. What if trust could be recorded in the same manner, with exactly the same accuracy and fidelity? Trust can be lost just as soon as it is gained because of our reliance on experiential, opaque and analog methods of recording it. When someone says “trust me” it usually engenders doubt. Blockchain technology can change that. Each year for the last 18 years, Edelman, a global public relations firm, has issued a report called the Trust Barometer. While the study is a compelling snapshot in time of global attitudes and perceptions of trust in public and private institutions, the more interesting insights are gleaned by looking at this body of work longitudinally. By this measure, Edelman’s most recent Trust Barometer confirms the sentiments we have seen driving unprecedented outcomes in ballot boxes, on streets and in the market.
The Hyperledger Project is a product of The Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation is “the organization of choice for building sustainable open source ecosystems” according to their website. What that means is that the Hyperledger Project is not the product of a private company such as IBM or Oracle, but rather the product of a community.
The goal of the Hyperledger Project is to create a blockchain specifically for the enterprise community. If the Bitcoin blockchain is for individuals who want to make transactions without a middle man like a bank, then the Hyperledger blockchain is for companies that want to make transactions or execute smart contracts without intermediaries.
We are also trying to build the same trust among the buyers and sellers in the field of real state. Some of the benefits of this technology over the conventional method is:
Increased trust issues between buyers and sellers.
Digital Documentation and Buying process moved online so the user can access the options from his ease.
No extra pay to the middleman or during any other stage.
Better and improved security provided.
Option to transfer property rights to an alimony using automated process.
Greater Diversification.
Prevent Fraud and Human Error.