LearnQuest is an innovative software that revolutionizes the way you approach learning by turning it into an exciting and rewarding gaming experience. With its unique combination of educational content and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), LearnQuest aims to motivate and engage learners of all ages and backgrounds.
- Gamify your learning experience with an innovative software
- Unlock a library of interactive and immersive learning modules
- Earn NFT rewards as tokens of achievement
- Promote healthy competition and motivate continuous learning
- Increase engagement, retention, and enjoyment of educational content
- React
- Vite
- Tailwind
- Bootstrap
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Polygon
- Solidity for Smart contract
- Metamask Wallet for authentication
- Clone the repo
- Go the the `learnQuest` folder and `npm i`
- cd to the backend folder and `npm i`
- cd back to learnQuest folder and `npm start`