This package help you to use event emitter/pubsub with dart. The package is inspired by npm mitt. I just take same name because user would easily to use it with same way without any hesitate.
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import 'package:mitt/mitt.dart';
void main() {
final emitter = Mitt();
// listen to an event
emitter.on(Symbol('foo'), eventHandler: (e) => print('foo $e'));
// listen to all events
emitter.on(Symbol('*'), wildcardHandler: (type, e) => print('$type $e'));
// fire an event
emitter.emit(Symbol('foo'), [
<String, String>{'a': 'b'}
// clearing all events
// working with handler references:
onFoo(arg) => print('defined onFoo with $arg');
emitter.on(Symbol('foo'), eventHandler: onFoo); // listen'foo'), eventHandler: onFoo); // unlisten