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Grigory Efimov edited this page May 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

Windows OS specifics

All commands should be run in PowerShell, not in cmd.exe.

Disable auto convert LF to CRLF

!!! run BEFORE clone repo !!!

git config --global core.autocrlf false

run docker-compose

In the Windows operating system, the make utility is typically absent.
Therefore, you will need to run docker-compose manually.

# Generate config
docker buildx build --tag generateconfig-env --file Dockerfile-generateconfig-env .
docker run --rm --volume ${PWD}/:/code/ generateconfig-env
# Run containers
docker compose up -d


  • start stand - at the first run the directories etc/ of configuration files and storage/ for data storage will be generated:
    make start
  • stop stand:
    make stop
  • restart stand:
    make restart
  • update image versions and start:
    make update
  • clean unused docker objects:
    make clean
  • clean config and storage files - deleting data for redis, mongo, s3, any-sync-*:
    make cleanEtcStorage


show logs:

docker-compose logs -f any-sync-node
docker-compose logs -f any-sync-filenode
docker-compose logs -f

attach to container:

docker compose exec mongo-1 bash
docker compose exec any-sync-node-1 bash
docker compose exec any-sync-coordinator bash

restart certain container:

docker compose restart any-sync-node-1

get current network config

docker compose exec mongo-1 mongosh --eval 'db.getMongo().setReadPref("primaryPreferred"); db.nodeConf.find().sort( { _id: -1 } ).limit(1)'

run client (GUI)

Download client for desktop Use <pathToRepo>/etc/client.yml as a network configuration for the clients. See the documentation for more details.

run client (CLI)


ANYTYPE_LOG_LEVEL="*=DEBUG" ANYPROF=:6060 ANY_SYNC_NETWORK=$(pwd)/etc/client.yml /Applications/

determine the deployed any-sync-* daemons versions

Separate commands to get the versions from each container:

docker compose exec any-sync-node-1 any-sync-node -v
docker compose exec any-sync-node-2 any-sync-node -v
docker compose exec any-sync-node-3 any-sync-node -v
docker compose exec any-sync-coordinator any-sync-coordinator -v
docker compose exec any-sync-filenode any-sync-filenode -v
docker compose exec any-sync-consensusnode any-sync-consensusnode -v

A one-liner to get all versions:

for I in any-sync-node-{1..3}; do docker compose exec $I any-sync-node -v; done
for I in any-sync-{coordinator,filenode,consensusnode}; do docker compose exec $I $I -v; done