from caregiver_recomm import Recommender
recomm = Recommender()
recomm.dispatch(speaker_id, evt)
- evt_dim: Event dimensions, default
- mock: Simulate the user interaction, default
- server_config: Remote server configuration, default
- client_id: client id
- url: server url
- speacker_id:
- evt: numpy array or python list
- reward_data: Information of all prompts sent to the phone are stored in this table This table holds the following: empathid,TimeSent,suid,TimeReceived,Response,Question,QuestionType,QuestionName,Uploaded
- ema_storing_data: Information pertaining only to recommendation messages sent are stored in this table This table holds the following: time,event_vct,stats_vct,action,reward,action_vct,uploaded
- ema_settings: Used to dynamically change prompts and answer choices
- ema_data: Used to retrieve prompt answer