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Console verbose

aONe edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 14 revisions

To be able to solve some issues, it may be necessary to enable the verbose mode on Keka.

Enable the verbose mode

  1. Close Keka
  2. Open the
  3. Enter the mode/s (see below) you want to enable setting them to true (example)
  4. Close the
  5. Open the and in the search field (top right) filter by Keka (example)
  6. Open Keka and repeat the process that might be causing the issue
  7. Don't forget to disable the verbose mode once is no more needed

Disable the verbose mode

  1. Close Keka
  2. Open the
  3. Enter the mode/s (see below) you want to disable setting them to false

Verbose modes

Default (always needed)

For troubleshooting anything this one should be enabled:

defaults write com.aone.keka DevLog -bool <TRUE/FALSE>

Compression and Extraction

For troubleshooting a compression/extraction process enable this as well as the default:

defaults write com.aone.keka DevLogReader -bool <TRUE/FALSE>

Notifications (rarely needed)

For troubleshooting the Notifications sent by Keka enable this as well as the default:

defaults write com.aone.keka DevLogNotifications -bool <TRUE/FALSE>


Enabling the default verbose mode in the

Filtering by Keka process in the