Requirements: Java 8+ required
Please check here for notes and possible compatibility issues for upgrading from 2.6.x or lower to 2.7.0.
New Features
Enhancement of service governance rules.
- Enriched Routing Rules.
- Conditional Routing. Supports both application-level and service-level conditions.
- Tag Routing. Newly introduced to better support traffic isolation, such as grey deployment.
- Decoupling governance rules with the registry, making it easier to extend. Apollo and Zookeeper are available in this version. Nacos support is on the way...
- Application-level Dynamic Configuration support.
- Use YAML as the configuration language, which is more friendly to read and use.
- Enriched Routing Rules.
Externalized Configuration. Supports reading
hosted in remote centralized configuration center - centralized configuration. -
Simplified registry URL. With lower Registry memory use and less notification pressure from Service Directory, separates Configuration notification from Service Discovery.
Metadata Center. A totally new concept since 2.7.0, used to store service metadata including static configuration, service definition, method signature, etc.. By default, Zookeeper and Redis are supported as the backend storage. Will work as the basis of service testing, mock and other service governance features going to be supported in OPS.
Asynchronous Programming Model (only works for Dubbo protocol now)
- Built-in support for the method with CompletableFuture signature.
- Server-side asynchronous support, with an AsyncContext API works like Servlet 3.0.
- Asynchronous filter chain callback.
Serialization Extension: Protobuf.
Caching Policy Extension: Expiring Cache.
Enhancements / Bugfixes
Load Balancing strategy enhancement: ConsitentHash #2190, LeastActive #2171, Random #2597, RoundRobin #2650.
Third-party dependency upgrading.
- Switch default remoting to Netty 4.
- Switch default Zookeeper client to Curator.
- Upgrade Jetty to 9.x.
IPV6 support #2079.
Performance tuning, check hanging requests on a closed channel, make them return directly #2185.
Fixed the serialization problem of JDK primitive types in Kryo #2178.
Fixed the problem of failing to notify Consumer as early as possible after the Provider side deserialization failed #1903.
Upgrading and Compatibility Notifications
We have always keep compatibility in mind during the whole process of 2.7.0. We even want old users to upgrade with only on pom version upgrade, but it's hard to achieve that, especially when considering that we have the package renamed in this version, so we had some tradeoffs. If you only used the Dubbo's most basic features, you may have little problems of upgrading, but if you have used some advanced features or have some SPI extensions inside, you'd better read the upgrade notifications carefully. The compatibility issues can be classified into the following 5 categories, for each part, you can find the detailed dos and don'ts in this documentation.
Interoperability between 2.7.0 and lower versions
Package renaming
com.alibaba.dubbo -> org.apache.dubbo
Simplification of registered URLs
Service Governance Rules
环境要求:需要Java 8及以上版本支持
New Features
新增服务元数据中心,负责存储包括服务静态化配置、服务定义(如方法签名)等数据,默认提供Zookeeper, Redis支持。此功能也是OPS实现服务测试、Mock等治理能力的基础。
- 原生CompletableFuture签名接口支持
- 服务端异步支持
- 异步Filter链
Enhancements / Bugfixes
负载均衡策略优化,包括ConsitentHash(#2190) 、LeastActive(#2171)、Random(#2597) 、RoundRobin(#2586) (#2650)
升级第三方依赖:默认通信框架为netty 4、默认ZK客户端为Curator、Jetty 9k
性能优化,链接关闭的情况下使得Consumer快速返回 (#2185)
修复Jdk原生类型在kryo中的序列化问题 (#2178)
修复Provider端反序列化失败后,没有及早通知Consumer端的问题 (#1903)