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support monitoring hive metrics (#1417)
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a-little-fool authored Dec 11, 2023
1 parent fc20fc6 commit ff7de35
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Showing 3 changed files with 411 additions and 9 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions home/docs/help/
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
id: hive
Title: Monitoring Apache Hive
sidebar_label: Apache Hive
keywords: [open source monitoring tool, open source apache hive monitoring tool, monitoring apache hive metrics]

> Collect and monitor the general performance metrics exposed by the SpringBoot actuator.
## Pre-monitoring operations

If you want to monitor information in `Apache Hive` with this monitoring type, you need to open your `Hive Server2` in remoting mode.

**1、Enable metastore:**

hive --service metastore &
**2. Enable hive server2**

hive --service hiveserver2 &

### Configure parameters

| Parameter name | Parameter Help describes the |
| ------------ |------------------------------------------------------|
| Monitor Host | THE MONITORED PEER IPV4, IPV6 OR DOMAIN NAME. Note ⚠️ that there are no protocol headers (eg: https://, http://). |
| Monitoring Name | A name that identifies this monitoring that needs to be unique. |
| Port | The default port provided by the database is 8080. |
| Enable HTTPS | Whether to access the website through HTTPS, please note that ⚠️ when HTTPS is enabled, the default port needs to be changed to 443 |
| The acquisition interval is | Monitor the periodic data acquisition interval, in seconds, and the minimum interval that can be set is 30 seconds |
| Whether to probe the | Whether to check the availability of the monitoring before adding a monitoring is successful, and the new modification operation | will continue only if the probe is successful
| Description Comment | For more information identifying and describing the remarks for this monitoring, users can remark the information here |

### Collect metrics

#### metric Collection: basic

| Metric Name | metric unit | Metrics help describe |
|-------------| -------- |--------------------------------|
| vm_name | None | The name of the virtual machine (VM) running HiveServer2. |
| vm_vendor | None | The vendor or provider of the virtual machine. |
| vm_version | None | The version of the virtual machine. |
| up_time | None | The duration for which HiveServer2 has been running. |

#### metric Collection: enviroment

| Metric Name | metric unit | Metrics help describe |
|-----------------| -------- |-------------------------------------|
| https_proxyPort | None | The port number used for HTTPS proxy communication. |
| os_name | None | The name of the operating system on which HiveServer2 is running. |
| os_version | None | The version of the operating system.|
| os_arch | None | The architecture of the operating system.|
| java_runtime_name | None | The name of the Java runtime environment used by HiveServer2. |
| java_runtime_version | None | The version of the Java runtime environment. |

#### metric Collection: thread

| Metric Name | metric unit | Metrics help describe |
| ---------------- |------|--------------------|
| thread_count | None | The current number of threads being used by HiveServer2. |
| total_started_thread | None | The total count of threads started by HiveServer2 since its launch. |
| peak_thread_count | None | The highest number of threads used by HiveServer2 at any given time. |
| daemon_thread_count | None | The number of daemon threads currently active in HiveServer2. |

#### metric Collection: code_cache

| Metric Name | metric unit | Metrics help describe |
| committed | MB | The amount of memory currently allocated for the memory pool. |
| init | MB | The initial amount of memory requested for the memory pool. |
| max | MB | The maximum amount of memory that can be allocated for the memory pool. |
| used | MB | The amount of memory currently being used by the memory pool. |

319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hive.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring
# 监控类型所属类别:service-应用服务 program-应用程序 db-数据库 custom-自定义 os-操作系统 bigdata-大数据 mid-中间件 webserver-web服务器 cache-缓存 cn-云原生 network-网络监控等等
category: bigdata
# The monitoring type eg: springboot2 linux windows tomcat mysql aws...
# 监控类型 eg: springboot2 linux windows tomcat mysql aws...
app: hive
# The monitoring i18n name
# 监控类型国际化名称
zh-CN: Apache Hive
en-US: Apache Hive
# The description and help of this monitoring type
# 监控类型的帮助描述信息
zh-CN: HertzBeat对 <a class='help_module_content' href=''> HServer2 </a> 暴露的通用性能指标(basic、environment、thread、code_cache)进行采集监控。<span class='help_module_span'>⚠️注意:如果要监控 Apache Hive 中的信息,需要您的 Apache Hive 应用集成并开启 Hive Server2, <a class='help_module_content' href=''>点击查看具体步骤</a>。</span>
en-US: "HertzBeat collects and monitors Apache Hive through general performance metric(health, environment, threads, memory_used) that exposed by the Hive Server2. <br><span class='help_module_span'>⚠️Note: You should make sure that your Apache Hive application have already integrated and enabled the Hive Server2, <a class='help_module_content' href=''>click here to see the specific steps.</a></span>"
zh-TW: HertzBeat對<a class='help_module_content' href=''> HServer2 </a>暴露的通用性能指標(basic、environment、thread、code_cache)進行採集監控。< span class='help_module_span'> ⚠️ 注意:如果要監控Apache Hive中的指標,需要您的Apache Hive應用集成並開啟Hive Server2,<a class='help_module_content' href=''>點擊查看具體步驟</a>。</span>
# 监控所需输入参数定义(根据定义渲染页面UI)
# Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition)
# field-param field key
# field-字段名称标识符
- field: host
# name-param field display i18n name
# name-参数字段显示名称
zh-CN: 目标Host
en-US: Target Host
# type-param field type(most mapping the html input type)
# type-字段类型,样式(大部分映射input标签type属性)
type: host
# required-true or false
# 是否是必输项 true-必填 false-可选
required: true
# field-param field key
# field-变量字段标识符
- field: port
# name-param field display i18n name
# name-参数字段显示名称
zh-CN: 端口
en-US: Port
# type-param field type(most mapping the html input type)
# type-字段类型,样式(大部分映射input标签type属性)
type: number
# when type is number, range is required
# 当type为number时,用range表示范围
range: '[0,65535]'
# required-true or false
# required-是否是必输项 true-必填 false-可选
required: true
# default value
# 默认值
defaultValue: 10002
# field-param field key
# field-变量字段标识符
- field: ssl
# name-param field display i18n name
# name-参数字段显示名称
zh-CN: 启动SSL
en-US: SSL
# When the type is boolean, the frontend will display a switch for it.
# 当type为boolean时,前端用switch展示开关
type: boolean
# required-true or false
# required-是否是必输项 true-必填 false-可选
required: false
# field-param field key
# field-变量字段标识符
- field: base_path
# name-param field display i18n name
# name-参数字段显示名称
zh-CN: Base Path
en-US: Base Path
# type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) The type "text" belongs to a text input field.
# type-字段类型,样式(大部分映射input标签type属性) text类型属于文本输入框
type: text
# default value
# 默认值
defaultValue: /jmx
# required-true or false
# required-是否是必输项 true-必填 false-可选
required: true
# hide-true or false
# hide-是否隐藏 true-隐藏 false-不隐藏
hide: true
# collect metrics config list
# 采集指标组配置列表
# metrics - available
# 监控指标组 - available
- name: available
# metrics group scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel
# priority 0's metrics group is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue
# 指标组调度优先级(0-127)越小优先级越高,优先级低的指标组会等优先级高的指标组采集完成后才会被调度,相同优先级的指标组会并行调度采集
# 优先级为0的指标组为可用性指标组,即它会被首先调度,采集成功才会继续调度其它指标组,采集失败则中断调度
priority: 0
# collect metrics content
# 指标组中的具体监控指标
# field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), instance-is instance primary key, unit-metric unit
# 指标信息 包括 field名称 type字段类型:0-number数字,1-string字符串 label-是否是指标标签字段 unit:指标单位
- field: responseTime
type: 0
unit: ms
# the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
# 采集协议,目前支持sql,ssh,http,telnet,wmi,snmp,sdk
protocol: http
# Specific collection configuration when protocol is http protocol
# 当protocol为http协议时具体的采集配置
# http host: ipv4 ipv6 domain
# 主机host: ipv4 ipv6 域名
host: ^_^host^_^
# http port
# 端口
port: ^_^port^_^
# http url
# url请求接口路径
url: ^_^base_path^_^
# http request method GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH
method: GET
# enable SSL/TLS, that is, whether it is http or https, the default is false
# 是否启用ssl/tls,即是http还是https,默认false
ssl: ^_^ssl^_^
# http response data parse type: default-hertzbeat rule, jsonpath-jsonpath script, website-api availability monitoring
# 响应数据解析方式: default-系统规则,jsonPath-jsonPath脚本,website-api可用性指标监控
parseType: default

- name: basic
priority: 1
- field: vm_name
type: 1
- field: vm_vendor
type: 1
- field: vm_version
type: 1
- field: up_time
type: 0
unit: ms
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmName
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmVendor
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmVersion
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].Uptime
- vm_name=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmName`
- vm_vendor=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmVendor`
- vm_version=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].VmVersion`
- up_time=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].Uptime`
protocol: http
host: ^_^host^_^
port: ^_^port^_^
url: ^_^base_path^_^
method: GET
ssl: ^_^ssl^_^
parseType: jsonPath
parseScript: '$'

# metrics - environment
# 监控指标组 - environment
- name: environment
priority: 2
# The specific monitoring metrics in the metric group.
# 指标组中的具体监控指标
# The metric information, including field name, type of the field (0-number, 1-string), whether it is an instance primary key, and the unit of the metric.
# 指标信息 包括 field名称 type字段类型:0-number数字,1-string字符串 label-是否是指标标签字段 unit:指标单位
- field: https_proxyPort
type: 0
- field: os_name
type: 1
- field: os_version
type: 1
- field: os_arch
type: 1
- field: java_runtime_name
type: 1
- field: java_runtime_version
type: 1
# metric alias list, used to identify metrics in query results
# 指标别名列表,用于在查询结果中识别指标
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == '')].value
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'os.version')].value
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'os.arch')].value
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == '')].value
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'java.runtime.version')].value
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'https.proxyPort')].value
# A list of calculation scripts for metric values.
# 计算指标值的脚本列表
- https_proxyPort=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'https.proxyPort')].value`
- os_name=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == '')].value`
- os_version=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'os.version')].value`
- os_arch=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'os.arch')].value`
- java_runtime_name=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == '')].value`
- java_runtime_version=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Runtime')].SystemProperties[?(@.key == 'java.runtime.version')].value`
# The protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
# 监控采集使用协议 eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
protocol: http
# Specific collection configuration when protocol is http protocol
# 当protocol为http协议时具体的采集配置
# http host: ipv4 ipv6 domain
# 主机host: ipv4 ipv6 域名
host: ^_^host^_^
# http port
# 端口
port: ^_^port^_^
# http url
# url请求接口路径
url: ^_^base_path^_^
# http request method GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH
method: GET
# enable SSL/TLS, that is, whether it is http or https, the default is false
# 是否启用ssl/tls,即是http还是https,默认false
ssl: ^_^ssl^_^
# http response data parse type: default-hertzbeat rule, jsonpath-jsonpath script, website-api availability monitoring
# 响应数据解析方式: default-系统规则,jsonPath-jsonPath脚本,website-api可用性指标监控
parseType: jsonPath
# http response data parse script
# 响应数据解析脚本
parseScript: '$'

- name: thread
priority: 4
- field: thread_count
type: 0
- field: total_started_thread
type: 0
- field: peak_thread_count
type: 0
- field: daemon_thread_count
type: 0
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].ThreadCount
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].TotalStartedThreadCount
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].PeakThreadCount
- $.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].DaemonThreadCount
- thread_count=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].ThreadCount`
- total_started_thread=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].TotalStartedThreadCount`
- peak_thread_count=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].PeakThreadCount`
- daemon_thread_count=#`$.beans[?( == 'java.lang:type=Threading')].DaemonThreadCount`
protocol: http
host: ^_^host^_^
port: ^_^port^_^
url: ^_^base_path^_^
method: GET
ssl: ^_^ssl^_^
parseType: jsonPath
parseScript: '$'

- name: code_cache
priority: 5
- field: committed
type: 1
unit: MB
- field: init
type: 0
unit: MB
- field: max
type: 0
unit: MB
- field: used
type: 0
unit: MB
- $.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.committed
- $.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.init
- $.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.max
- $.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.used
- committed=#`$.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.committed`
- init=#`$.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.init`
- max=#`$.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.max`
- used=#`$.beans[?(@.Name == 'Code Cache')].Usage.used`
- committed=B->MB
- init=B->MB
- max=B->MB
- used=B->MB
protocol: http
host: ^_^host^_^
port: ^_^port^_^
url: ^_^base_path^_^
method: GET
ssl: ^_^ssl^_^
parseType: jsonPath
parseScript: '$'

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