0.9.1(Not Apache Release)
Baidu Cloud Download Extraction code: iyya
Linkis upgrade from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 guide
- [Linkis-123] Add BML module,it is a bigdata material library which allows users to upload and download resource
- [Linkis-62] External system support access to Linkis through proxy user.
- [Linkis-69] Linkis should support divide publicService into mutiple micro-services.
- [Linkis-112] Metadata module enhancement,Supports custom table building functions, etc..
- [Linkis-120] Workspace module enhancement,Supports to save or parse script file in BML.
- [Linkis-72] Linkis httpClient enhance the ability of upload.
- [Linkis-109] Linkis-ujes-client module feature optimization.
- [Linkis-111] It is recommended to modify spring's basePackages to com.webank.wedatasphere.
- [Linkis-116] Enhanced installation deployment script.
- [Linkis-138] Enhanced adaptation to more spark versions
- [Linkis-139] Enhanced linkis support for kerberos,Support users can log in with host and without host
- [Linkis-100 ]Compatible with Yarn's Fair and Capacity scheduling
Bug Fix
- [Linkis-71] Reflections in DWSHttpMessageFactory do not specify a class loader, resulting in class failure to load.
- [Linkis-74] DB script garbled causes installation error.
- [Linkis-87] UJES-Client failed to get log.
- [Linkis-108] Engine result set default path with IP and port causes path creation failure on hdfs.
- [Linkis-129] Spark execution of scala code will appear the following exception:Class org.apache.hadoop.net.StandardSocketFactory not found.
- [Linkis-132] Jobhistory did not return the source field.
- [Linkis-134] The interface of jobhistory needs to be restricted.
- [Linkis-123] 增加物料库模块功能:系统和用户级物料管理,可分享和流转,支持物料全生命周期自动管理
- [Linkis-62] 支持外部系统通过代理模式进行访问.
- [Linkis-69] Linkis支持将publicservice拆分成多个微服务.
- [Linkis-112] metadata模块增加,加入用户向导建表功能..
- [Linkis-120] 工作空间模块增强,支持解析和保存BML的脚本.
- [Linkis-72] Linkis httpClient 增强upload功能.
- [Linkis-109] Linkis-ujes-client模块功能增强,支持直接传入engineType和runtype字符串.
- [Linkis-111] 修改启动类中包扫描为com.webank.wedatasphere.
- [Linkis-116] 优化安装和启动脚本.
- [Linkis-138] 支持多Spark版本编译
- [Linkis-139] 优化kerberos功能支持带host和不带host的方式进行访问
- [Linkis-100 ]兼容Yarn的Fair和Capacity调度
- [Linkis-71] 修复DWSHttpMessageFactory 中Reflections不指定类加载器,导致类加载不到的问题.
- [Linkis-74] 修复DB脚本由于编译导致的乱码问题.
- [Linkis-87] 修复ujes-client获取日志的问题.
- [Linkis-108] 修复engine结果集默认路径带IP和端口导致在hdfs上面创建路径失败.
- [Linkis-129] 修复Spark引擎执行scala时报Class org.apache.hadoop.net.StandardSocketFactory not found.
- [Linkis-132] 修复Jobhistory不能返回source字段的问题.
- [Linkis-134] 修复jobHistory的接口没有做权限隔离的问题.
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