This was my first RPG game, created with the enchant.js library. It includes standard map navigation and cutscenes.
It is now outdated - web standards are constantly changing, while enchant.js is not, leading to new bugs.
Two innovative features:
- The "clue system," which is the main impetus behind the game. Players can collect clues and combine them using logical deduction to create new clues.
- The NPC conversation system. Rather than using simple messages or branching dialog, NPC conversation is based on a collection of keywords, to which different characters give different answers.
As my first RPG, this was rather rough, as can be seen in the JavaScript. I corrected the more annoying features in the sequel, which is filed in GitHub under glade1.
Playable version: Warning: since it is no longer receiving enchant.js updates, it may at some point in the future stop working. It did this once already, about a year after I posted it.