The Apache Thrift/TypeScript generator with Angular2 support
This is simple Java program which generates TypeScript files by provided Apache Thrift IDL. It will be worth if you are going to build robust interaction between your Angular2 app and back-end. As the result you will have Java, JavaScript and TypeScript entities where TypeScript modules and components are compatible with Angular2.
Live demo. Spring4 / Angular2 / Apache Thrift and t2ng -
create folder
and put some Thrift files (.thrift extension) inside it -
run docker
docker run -it --rm -v=`pwd`/idl:/app/idl -v=`pwd`/out:/app/out -e "PROJECT_NAME=myprojectname" apocarteres/t2ng
- check out generatd files in
NOTE: Don't forget set your project name via PROJECT_NAME
environment variable
java -jar t2ng.jar -p myproject -i /path/to/idl -s /output/myproject
mvn clean compile assembly:single
build and push Docker container
docker build -t apocarteres/t2ng .
docker push apocarteres/t2ng