The Redis Plug.Session adapter for the Phoenix framework. Poolboy + Redis.
# mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [..., :plug_session_redis]]
defp deps do
[{:plug_session_redis, "~> 0.1" }]
config :plug_session_redis, :config,
name: :redis_sessions, # Can be anything you want, should be the same as `:table` config below
pool: [size: 2, max_overflow: 5],
redis: [host: '', port: 6379]
plug Plug.Session,
store: PlugSessionRedis.Store,
key: "_my_app_key", #
table: :redis_sessions, # Can be anything you want, should be same as `:name` config above
signing_salt: "123456", #
encryption_salt: "654321", #
ttl: 360, # use redis EXPIRE secs
serializer: CustomSerializer, # Optional, defaults to `PlugSessionRedis.BinaryEncoder`
path: &MyPath.path/1 # Optional, defaults to passing the session ID through unmodified
Change the above serializer to your own implementation that has an encode/1
, decode/1
, encode!/1
and decode!/1
An example serializer is shown in lib/plug_session_redis/binary_encoder.ex
. For data serialized by Ruby, you can use ex_marshal.
The :path
option above when configuring the plug lets you define a function which will take in the session ID binary string and returns a new storage location. If you'd like, for example, to store all sessions under the key "myapp:sessions:" <> id
then an example implementation of the above configured MyPath.path/1
would look like this:
defmodule MyPath do
def path(sid) do
"myapp:sessions:" <> sid
NOTE: Plug does not allow passing in an anonymous function, it will have to be a named function as shown above.