Boilerplate Code 11ty
Eleventy (11ty) seed project - Features:
- UI Kit: Pixel Lite (Free Version) by Themesberg
- Render Engine: Nunjunks / Markdown (for blog posts)
- CSS Pipeline (Sass, CleanCSS)
- JS Bundling (Webpack)
- SVG Icon Sprite Generation
- Critical CSS, HTML Minification
- Support via Github and Discord.
- Initially forked from Eleventastic / Max Böck
- More 11ty inspiration from: EleventyOne, Supermaya
- Jinja Pixel Lite - Product page
- Jinja Pixel Lite Demo - LIVE Demo
$ # Clone the sources
$ git clone
$ cd jinja-boilerplate-code-11ty
$ # Install modules
$ npm install # OR `yarn`
$ # Start for development
$ npm start # OR `yarn start`
$ # Access the project in browser:
$ #
$ # Production Build
$ npm build # OR `yarn build`
The project has a simple structure, represented as bellow:
|-- src/
| |-- data/
| | |-- meta.json # Provides META information
| | |-- app.json # Provides APP information
| |
| |-- includes/ # Page chunks, components
| | |-- navigation.html # Top bar
| | |-- sidebar.html # Left sidebar
| | |-- scripts.html # JS scripts common to all pages
| | |-- footer.html # The common footer
| |
| |-- layouts/ # App Layouts (the master pages)
| | |-- base.html # Used by common pages like index, UI
| | |-- base-fullscreen.html # Used by auth pages (login, register)
| |
| |-- index.html # The default page
| |-- *.html # All other pages provided by the UI Kit
|-- utils/ # JS Helpers
|-- .eleventy.js # 11ty Config
|-- netlify.toml # Netlify deployer
|-- ************************************************************************
Styling works with Sass. The main index file is in src/static/assets/styles/main.scss
. Import any SCSS code you want in there; it will be processed and optimized. The output is in dist/static/assets/styles/main.css
Javascript can be written in ES6 syntax. The main index file is in src/static/assets/scripts/main.js
. It will be transpiled to ES5 with babel, bundled together with webpack, and minified in production. The output is in dist/static/assets/scripts/main.js
All SVG files added to src/static/assets/icons
will be bundled into a symbol
sprite file. The SVG filename will then be used as the symbol identifier and the icon can be used as a shortcode.
For example, if you have a github.svg
file in that folder, you can display it anywhere by using {% icon "github" %}
in your templates.
Currently, critical CSS will only be inlined in the head of the homepage. This is done by using the critical package in an automatic transform.
Boilerplate Code 11ty - Provided by AppSeed App Generator.