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Simple tool that Generates Secure APIs on top of DRF with minimum effort - actively supported by App-Generator.

For a complete set of features and long-term support, check out Dynamic Django, a powerful starter that incorporates:

  • Dynamic DataTables: using a single line of configuration, the data saved in any table is automatically managed
  • Dynamic API: any model can become a secure API Endpoint using DRF
  • Dynamic Charts: extract relevant charts without coding all major types are supported
  • CSV Loader: translate CSV files into Django Models and (optional) load the information
  • Powerful CLI Tools for the GIT interface, configuration editing, updating the configuration and database (create models, migrate DB)

Dynamic API Features

  • API engine provided by DRF
  • Minimal Configuration (single line in config for each model)
  • Handles any model defined across the project

Django Dynamic API - DRF Interface (open-source tool).

How to use it

Step #1 - Install the package

$ pip install django-dynamic-api
// OR
$ pip install git+

Step #2 - Update Configuration, include the new APPs

    'django_dyn_api',            # Django Dynamic API  # <-- NEW
    'rest_framework',            # Include DRF         # <-- NEW 
    'rest_framework.authtoken',  # Include DRF Auth    # <-- NEW   

Step #3 - Register the model in core/ (DYNAMIC_API section)

This sample code assumes that app1 exists and model Book is defined and migrated.

    # pattern: 
    # API_SLUG -> Import_PATH 
    'books'  : "app1.models.Book",


Step #4 - Migrate DB and create the tables used by DRF

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Step #5 - Update routing, include APIs

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include                        # <-- UPD: 'include` directive
from rest_framework.authtoken.views import obtain_auth_token # <-- NEW

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('django_dyn_api.urls')),     # <-- NEW
    path('login/jwt/', view=obtain_auth_token),   # <-- NEW

Step #6 - Use API

If the managed model is Books, the API interface is /api/books/ and all CRUD methods are available.

Note: for mutating requests, the JWT Token is provided by http://localhost:8000/login/jwt/ route (the user should exist).

Django API Generator - POSTMAN Interface (open-source tool).

Links & resources

Django Dynamic API - Open-source library provided by App-Generator