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Identity Provider

Creates identity store and UI app client.

* Diagram generated using

Create development environment

See Getting Started With the AWS CDK for additional details and prerequisites.

Clone the code

git clone
cd identity-provider

Create Python virtual environment and install the dependencies

python3.9 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# [Optional] Needed to upgrade dependencies and cleanup unused packages
# Pinning pip-tools to 6.4.0 and pip to 21.3.1 due to
pip install pip-tools==6.4.0
pip install pip==21.3.1


[Optional] Upgrade AWS CDK CLI version

vi package.json  # Upgrade the "aws-cdk" package version

[Optional] Upgrade dependencies (ordered by constraints)

Consider AWS CDK CLI compatibility when upgrading AWS CDK library version.

pip-compile --upgrade
pip-compile --upgrade
# [Optional] Cleanup unused packages
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt

Deploy the service to sandbox environment

The IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox stack uses your default AWS account and Region.

npx cdk deploy IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox

Example output:

 ✅  IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox

IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox.CognitoUserPoolID = eu-west-1_W2c...
IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox.UIAppSignInURL =

Test the service

Create a test user

The identity provider requires custom:tenant_id and custom:role attributes.

_user_pool_id=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox \
  --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`CognitoUserPoolID`].OutputValue' \
  --output text)

aws cognito-idp admin-create-user \
  --user-pool-id ${_user_pool_id} \
  --username ${_user_email} \
  --user-attributes \
    Name=email,Value=${_user_email} \
    Name=email_verified,Value=True \
    Name=custom:tenant_id,Value=${_user_tenant_id} \

You should get an email with a temporary password from

Sign in

open $(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox \
  --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs[?OutputKey==`UIAppSignInURL`].OutputValue' \
  --output text)

You will need to change the temporary password.

The identity provider redirects the browser to UI app URL with id_token, expires_in, and token_type parameters. The UI app URL looks like this:

You can use to introspect the ID token. Example payload:

  "at_hash": "o3bVzE71u9zKbMrvKrXqWA",
  "sub": "7a9d788a-2618-44d7-a3eb-1d904364f531",
  "email_verified": true,
  "iss": "",
  "cognito:username": "7a9d788a-2618-44d7-a3eb-1d904364f531",
  "custom:tenant_id": "Yellow",
  "aud": "5r2jpndilests3epmc8idtfenu",
  "event_id": "e5bf0638-6d30-4429-b3a7-7cc3b67b250d",
  "token_use": "id",
  "auth_time": 1678953616,
  "exp": 1678957216,
  "custom:role": "Admin",
  "iat": 1678953616,
  "jti": "0e96bc82-e79b-4df2-90ab-4e29c275f5a0",
  "email": ""

Delete the user

aws cognito-idp admin-delete-user \
  --user-pool-id ${_user_pool_id} \
  --username ${_user_email}

Delete the service

Do not forget to delete the stack to avoid unexpected charges

npx cdk destroy IdentityProvider-Service-Sandbox