This plugin adds translatable fields for Carbon Fields using qTranslate-X.
You can install this plugin in two ways:
Install the plugin from Wordpress Plugins.
To install the plugin using Composer and wpackagist, add the following line to composer.json:
"wpackagist-plugin/carbon-fields-qtranslate": "1.0.1"
For translatable text field, use translatable_text
as field type.
namespace Example\Cpt;
function create_fields() {
if ( ! function_exists( 'carbon_get_post_meta' ) ) {
\Carbon_Fields\Container::make( 'post_meta', __( 'Post Data', 'some-domain' ) )
->show_on_post_type( 'post' )
\Carbon_Fields\Field::make( 'translatable_text', 'Additional Text' ),
add_action( 'carbon_register_fields', 'Example\Cpt\create_fields' );
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Add plugin to wordpress.orgAdd this package to Add more translatable fields (TextArea, RichText)
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