MyKit is a Software as a Service Product for social media marketing tools that can help you build your social media presence. MyKit is built with Wave, Laravel, Voyager, TailwindCSS,Tallstack, and a few other awesome technologies. Here are some of the awesome features ✨:
- Authentication
- User Profiles
- User Impersonation
- Subscriptions
- Subscription Plans
- User Roles
- Notifications
- Announcements
- Fully Functional Blog
- Out of the Box API
- Voyager Admin
- Customizable Themes
View a live demo here, or deploy your own instance to DigitalOcean, by clicking the button below.
To install MyKit, you'll want to clone or download this repo:
git clone project_name
Next, we can install MyKit with these 4 simple steps:
We'll need to utilize a MySQL database during the installation. For the following stage, you'll need to create a new database and preserve the credentials.
We need to specify our Environment variables for our application. You will see a file named .env.example
, you will need to duplicate that file and rename it to .env
Then, open up the .env
file and update your DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD in the appropriate fields. You will also want to update the APP_URL to the URL of your application.
Following that, we'll need to install all composer dependencies through the following command:
composer install
We must migrate our database schema into our database, which we can accomplish by running the following command:
php artisan migrate
Finally, we will need to seed our database with the following command:
php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve
Your app will then be available in your local browser at
🎉 And that's it! You will now be able to visit your URL and see your Wave application up and running.