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Display random emoji from the list - app for coder dojo React Basics

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Features to be implemented

Done during CoderDojo at 24-Aug-2017 - general introduction to React

  • Display random emoji in App component
    • Import array of emojis from src/assets/emojis.js to component file
    • Display first emoji from the array (codepoint and emoji itself)
    • In render get random value of index and display emoji from that index
    • Extract index value to component state
    • Display button with text Get another emoji
    • Implement function calculating another random index value and saving it in state
    • Connect function for calculating random index with button click
      • Use fat arrow or bind this in order to prevent this being undefined
  • Use String.fromCodePoint function to parse codepoints into emoji and display parsed emoji
  • Tweak algorithm for getting random index to return values bigger than array of emojis
    • When no emoji is selected, display alternative text (use ternary operator for conditional rendering)
    • Extract emoji rendering markup to component method
  • Use twemoji package to handle emojis not supported (rendered as square)
  • Extract emoji rendering markup to separate component src/components/DisplayEmoji.js
    • Use functional component (just a fat arrow returning markup)
      • accept props as parameter to this function
    • import extracted component in main one and render it
    • Pass selected index to DisplayEmoji as prop
    • In DisplayEmoji replace usages of this.state.index with props.index
  • Add proptypes package via npm
    • Import PropTypes and define them for DisplayEmoji

Done during CoderDojo at 07-Sep-2017 - general intro to React pt.2

  • Implement resetting index in DisplayEmoji component
    • Create method resetIndex in App resetting state.index to 0
    • Pass this method to DisplayEmoji as resetFn property (the same way index property is passed)
    • Add button in DisplayEmoji component
    • Connect resetFn method to button via onClick property (that way child can change parent data - data goes down, function calls go up - unidirectional data flow)
  • In DisplayEmoji add counter for how long is emoji visible
    • Migrate DisplayEmoji from functional to class-ical component type.
    • Add secondsPassed to DisplayEmoji component state with initial value 0
    • Use componentDidMount react lifecycle method for DisplayEmoji and setInterval js function to increment this.state.secondsPassed every 1 second.
    • Fix counter not resetting on selecting new emoji by providing unique key property <DisplayEmoji key={this.state.index}>
    • Fix errors about setting state of unmounted component by saving interval id to DisplayEmoji state and in componentWillUnmount lifecycle hook add pass interval id as argument to browser function clearInterval (setState is async, so it does not guarantee property in this.state.intervalId to be updated in the line below)
  • Implement getting new emoji automatically after 10s
    • Pass getRandowEmoji method as prop to DisplayEmoji
    • When secondsPassed is 10, call method received from parent to get new emoji.
  • Display list of last 5 emojis
    • Save 5 last displayed emojis (not indexes) in main component state.
    • Below currently selected emoji, map over array of stored previous emojis and reuse DisplayEmoji component for every one. (key property needs to be unique only for the siblings)
  • (extra) Add input for getting time when new emoji should be selected
    • Add html input
    • (1 way) Connect input to react as uncontrolled component - use onBlur handler and ref property. Blur handler should get value from the input available via ref property.
  • (extra) ReactDevTools browser add-on

Done during CoderDojo at 21-Sep-2017 - Higher Order Components (HOC's)

  • Extract behaviour functionality from DisplayEmoji into HOC (Higher Order Component)

    • Create new file withTimer.js in src/assets folder
      • Create and export fat arrow function withTimer which receives WrappedComponent property
      • Make function withTimer return class component WithTimer (import React, Component, PropTypes)
      • Copy all methods handling secondsPassed state into WithTimer and remove them from DisplayEmoji
      • Rename getNewEmoji to resetHandler and update name of this prop being send in App
      • Rename resetFn property and resetIndex method to clearIndex wherever they are used, to prevent confusion with resetHandler property
      • Define propTypes for WithTimer class before returning it from withTimer
    • In DisplayEmoji change binding this.state.secondsPassed into secondsPassed and destructure it from props (just like index and resetFn properties)
      • Update propTypes for DisplayEmoji to contain index, resetFn and secondsPassed properties
    • Display div with secondsPassed conditionally when it is >= 0 to handle situations when this property is not passed.
    • Change DisplayEmoji back to functional component
    • Create new file src/assets/NoEmojiMessage.js
      • Extract markup rendering info about no emoji for given index to functional component to file NoEmojiMessage.js
      • functional component should accept index property
      • change this.state.index to just index received as argument
      • add conditional displaying of 'secondsPassed' just like in DisplayEmoji and accept it as argument
  • Wrap both components in HOCs and use them in App

    • In NoEmojiMessage.js
      • Import withTimer HOC
      • Add default export for withTimer(NoEmojiMessage) and use it in App.js
      • Add resetTime and resetHandler and key properties to NoEmojiMessage component in App.js
    • In DisplayEmoji.js
      • Import withTimer HOC
      • Add default export for withTimer(DisplayEmoji) and use it in App
  • When rendering 5 last emojis use DisplayEmoji component without HOC as they do not need timer functionality

    • Make clearIndex property optional and render button only when it is provided
    • Update state.previousEmojis to contain indexes not whole Emojis (update state initialization and getRandomEmoji)
    • Replace div rendering emoji in function mapping through previousEmojis with DisplayEmoji or NoEmojiMessage depending on index value being less than Emojis.length
  • Add input for getting time when new emoji should be selected

    • (2 way) Change input to controlled component - use value and onChange handler. onChange handler should call setState saving new value received as parameter.
    • (Using this pattern you can prevent updating input value/reformat it which is useful when having inputs for area code or phone number)

Done during CoderDojo at 12-Oct-2017 - forms and validation

Form Features

  • validation, and mocked server validation
  • error handling
  • formatting
  • scoped fields (price range, disabling options depending on other input)
  • array of fields (you can add/remove them)


  • Add form data structure matching Form schema below to RegisterForm state
Form schema
  • age - presence, numericality - if below 13 hides form

  • username - presence length and regex (serverside already taken from the predefined list)

  • email - presence regex (serverside already taken from the predefined list)

  • addresses[] - inputs not validated if every is empty - can add/remove from the list

    • addresses[]city - presence presence in predefined list - it automatically fills zip-code
    • addresses[]zipCode - presence presence in predefined list - it automatically fills city, auto formatting
  • Add handleChange method updating state property accessible by with value event.taget.value

    • create method handleChange
    • import set method from lodash package
    • set value using name path to
    • setState with modified state assigned to data property
  • Add age input field and fill up the missing parts

    <div className={cn('form-group', {
      'has-error': get(X, 'X')
      <label htmlFor="X">X</label>
      {get(X, 'X') &&
      <span className="help-block">{X}</span>
    • import cn from classnames package
  • Repeat for userName email fields

  • Add adresses field lists

    • Add iteration over addresses in form data and render
    <div className="panel panel-default" key={index}>
      <div className="panel-heading">
        <h3 className="panel-title">address #{index+1}</h3>
      <div className="panel-body">
        Panel content
    • Create method removing address of given index from form data
    • Bind Remove button to removing function
    • Create method adding new address to form data
    • After iteration add button triggering adding new address
    • In place of Panel content add select element for city similar as before, but use nested name like addresses[0].city where 0 is current index value
      • Inside select tag put option tags for some cities
    • Add regular input field for zipCode and bind it accordingly
  • Bind fields city and zipCode together

    • Replace their city handleChange method with custom one
    • In this custom method trigger handleChange of zipCode field with appropriate value
  • Add validations

    • Make function validate return false if errors detected
    • Update state.errors with properly nested error objects according to specification
    • If no errors detected then return true
  • (extra) fragments from

  • (extra) bootstrap

  • (extra) yup

Not implemented during workshops

  • Format zipCode field
    • create method transforming zipCode in raw form into dashed form or in reverse depending on parameter
    • bind transforming method with format flag to zipCode value
    • before passing value to handleChange transform it with format flag off

Done during CoderDojo at 23-Nov-2017 and 14-Dec-2017 - testing with jest.js


  • What is Jest
  • What is Enzyme
    • shallow vs mount
    • lifecycleExperimental for shallow
  • Types of testing approaches
    • Unit test for method
    • User interaction test for method
    • Snapshot test for markup & markup changes
  • setup pattern and the steps leading to it

Testing with Jest features

  • Things to test
    • Markup and props (for snapshots)
    • Regular component method
    • Handler method triggered by user interaction
    • Lifecycle method
    • Asynchronous method
    • Method which returns complex object (to use special matchers)
    • Method conditionally calling function from props with attributes (to expect it being called with attributes)
    • mock import


  • snapshot specs
    • markup in different conditions
    • snapshot tests for data
  • tests for implementation
    • all lifecycle methods
      • triggered naturally
      • triggered manually
    • handler methods via find and simulate event
      • onClick onSubmit event handlers
    • all non handler methods in components (they are called by lifecycle, handlers, or child components)
  • async testing
    • handleSubmitByBackend in withBackend
  • useful matchers (objectContaining, arrayMatching)
  • testing HOCs
    • using mock component
  • mocking imports
    • mock twemoji.parse method in DisplayEmoji
    • mock emojis import in Roulette
  • coverage generation and usage

Done during CoderDojo at 8-Feb-2018 - Redux




Done during CoderDojo at 22-Feb-2018 - LocalStorage, Redux-Thunk middleware and fetch app internal data


  • Add redux thunk package
  • Resolve warning "react-test-renderer@15.6.2" has incorrect peer dependency "react@^15.6.2" if occurs
  • Store isRegistered flag in localStorage
    • Add src/utils/localStorage with load and save registrationStatus methods
    • For loading isRegistered flag use localStorage.getItem method
    • Add second parameter to createStore which matches the store structure and sets isRegistered to result of loadRegistrationStatus method
    • Change registration/actionCreators to use thunk, so they call saveRegistationStatus setting proper flag
    • Add logout button and connect it to proper action creator (it should be wrapped in div.logout to have minimal styling)
  • Add json-server to store data there
  • Migrate Emojis fetching to thunk
    • On setupEmojis action creator, call json-server using fetch to get emojis and store them
    • Migrate emojis identification to id's
      • Update algorithm for getting random emojis to use ids
      • Update reducer, selectors, components
  • Migrate user login to thunk
    • Make a call to the json-server to persist user provided data
    • Save userId into localStorage


list of free apis

Done during CoderDojo at 15-Mar-2018 - Redux-Thunk middleware, fetch

  • Add jokes resource holding available jokes

    • Add store/jokes folder with reducer, actionCreators
  • Add Draw resource joining joke and emoji

    • Add store/draws folder with reducer, actionCreators, types, selectors
    • Draw should have 3 properties jokeId, emojiId, id (generated with
  • Implement setNewDraw in store/draws/actionCreators fetching random joke and emoji

    • Create getRandomJoke in store/jokes/actionCreators AC which calls Chuck Norris API and returns promise with it's response
    • Create getRandomEmoji in store/emojis/actionCreators which draws random emoji ID and fetches given emoji from DB
    • Call getRandomJoke in setNewDraw and get data from promise
    • Call getRandomEmoji in setNewDraw and get data from promise
    • When both promises resolve build draws/SET_NEW action
    • Reducers for draw, emoji and joke should handle draws/SET_NEW action accordingly by saving pieces of data

Done during CoderDojo at 28-Mar-2018 - Redux-Thunk middleware, fetch

  • Implement saving history of last 5 draws in LocalStorage
    • When adding new Draw, get currently stored history of draws and add new one use getState from redux-thunk
    • Implement utils/LocalStorage methods to handle saving/loading isRegistered and draws
      • When user logs out draws should be cleared out
    • Save updated history in LocalStorage draws
    • Emit updated history in action payload
    • Update draw/reducer handling to assign new draw to history

Done during CoderDojo at 24-May-2018 - Redux-Thunk middleware & Testing Redux

  • Implement initial Draw loading

    • Implement setupDraws in Roulette#componentDidMount
    • Add setupDraws action creator
    • Fetch draws history from LocalStorage
    • For every jokeId call ChuckNorris API and fetch them
    • For all emojis call backend and fetch all required emojis with one request
    • When all promises resolve create draws/SETUP action
    • Reducers for draw, emoji and joke should handle draws/SETUP action accordingly by saving pieces of data
  • Test action creators, reducers and selectors

    • For emojis, jokes, draws and registration

React 16 differences and new things

React Router

Redux Form

Functional JS

React patterns

Web accessibility

  • Form handling
  • Image handling
  • Overall design
    • Coloring
    • Sizes


  • (extra) Use axios to make requests to external api


Display random emoji from the list - app for coder dojo React Basics






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