Converting a number from one type to another
(byte) (myMinByteValye/2);
Other languages have casting too. In short, always use int (integer) to avoid casting issues.
Float: Single precision number (32 bits, so has a width of 32 ) - precision upto 7 numbers after decimal point Double: Double precision number (64 bits, so has a width of 64 ) - precision upto 16 numbers after decimal point
Modern computers at chip level deal with double number faster than equivalent float number although it takes up double amount of space. This is well-thought JAVA developers kept in mind.
Highly recommeded to use Double as default and not float.
Char is similar to the string, it can only save a single character - it occupies 2 bytes which is 16 bits of width
Most common primitive types will be int, double, and a boolean and from time to time will use char. byte, shot, float will be used less.
String - not data type, it's a class String - Sequence of characters MAX_VALUE = 2.14 Billion
Strings in JAVA are immutable - you can not change it once it's create, a new string is created once you append it. A new string gets created and an old strign gets discareded.
Operators : Special Symbols that perform specific opetatins in one, two, or more operands.
Operands: Object that is manipulated by an operator
Expression: Formed by combining variables, literals, method return values
A code block allows more than one statement to be executed - a block of code.
Do by adding a set of curly braces
Logical AND Operator --> && Bitwise AND Operator --> &
Logical OR Operator --> || Bitwise OR Operator --> |
Equal to vs Assignment Operator ---> "=" (assignment operator) vs "==" (equal to)
Logical Complement Operator --> NOT Operator (!)
Ternary Operator
Operator Recap and Operator Precedence: Sumary of Operators: []
instanceof [Type Comparison Operator]
bitwise AND bitwise exclusive OR bitwise inclusive OR
IntelliJ highlights keywords in BLUE color anything in a bracket is an "expression"
int myVariable = 50; // the whole line is a Statement, while the Expression is "myVariable = 50" myVariable++; // Semicolon is required to make a Statement with some exceptions, and Statements do not have to be in one line
Do not put a semicolon after IF statement, it will not execute
Cannot create a method within another method
public static void calculateScore() {
public static : Always used void : Do not send any value back (Don't return anything)
Math.round() --> Math is a built-in class that comes with Java to do mathematical calculations
psvm = IntelliJ Shortcut for public static void main(String[] args)
A feature that allows us to have more than one method with the same name, so long as we use different parameters.
It is the ability to create multiple methods of the same anme with different implemenatations, calls to an overloaded method will runa specific implementation of a method
Use same method name in different places with different parameters Create a unique method signature, which is the method name and its parameters
To convert metrics: