Open Graph of IT (OGIT) aims to build a semantic representation of all IT and its interaction with business processes and people. Such an endeavour requires a sound data space as a foundation for computational evaluation of this enterprise space. OGIT aims to become the 'IT version' of Google's Knowledge Graph or Facebook's Social Graph. Hence we need a common language for IT entities and relationships between them.
OGIT aims to provide a such common language by defining an ontology for the Graph of IT.
The OGIT project is not only a hosting place for a specification. It also provides a platform for domain experts to contribute to the ontology. One of the basic principles is: evolution over standardization.
Find out more about OGIT using the following links.
- Basic Concepts
- OGIT ontology details
- Maintaining the ontology
- Get started with an implementation:
- High level use cases
- Contributing to the ontology
There is an application called Bardioc that allows you to manage IT data through a RESTful API ensuring compliance to the OGIT ontology.
The following links provide more information on OGIT and Bardioc.
(Pages updated on daily basis)
- OGIT documentation for all elements of the OGIT ontology
- OGIT namespace documentation- documentation as PDF and Diagram for each namespace of the OGIT ontology
- install pdflatex (on macOS run:
brew cask install mactex
) - install graphviz (on macOS run:
brew install graphviz
) - install doxygen (on macOS run:
brew install doxygen
- install pdflatex (on macOS run:
Run the following script to generate the documentation. Replace the namespacename with the name of the namespace(for ex. MRP, Accouting, Auth etc.) you want to create the documentation.
sh namespacename
- It will generate the pdf and png files which can be found under folder with namespacename (for ex. MRP, Accounting etc).
- For Example, sh mrp will generate the documentation for MRP namepsace under MRP folder.
Once OGIT master branch is updated, the changes are automatically built and pushed to
If you have general questions or need support please contact us at
Please see for information about the licensing of OGIT and its components.