Semrush is a ruby wrapper for the SEMRush API.
Ruby 1.9, 2.x, 3.1<
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem install semrush
Create an initializer, for instance semrush.rb with the following:
Semrush.config do |config| config.api_key = "7899esf6874" end
Replace ‘7899esf6874’ with your SEMRush api key.
You may also use the following parameters in config:
config.before = lambda{|params| puts params} # (Proc or lambda) will be called before the call to SemRush (even if this return false it still runs the request) config.after = lambda{|params, results| puts results} # (Proc or lambda) will be called after the call to SemRush (if the call returns an exception, this will not be executed)
First, create a report for a domain, a URL or a phrase with:
report = Semrush::Report.domain("") # for the "" domain report = Semrush::Report.url("") # for the "" url report = Semrush::Report.phrase("search+engine+optimization") # for the "search+engine+optimization" phrase
Then run the report type you need:
basic_data = report.basics
keywords_data = report.keywords_organic
If you want to know your remaining api units:
units = Semrush::Report.remaining_quota
You may use the following parameters:
:db # (String) select the google engine ('us' for 'fr' for :api_key # (String) change the api_key :limit # (Integer) select only the first 'limit' entries (This parameter is required in order to avoid uncontrolled heavy usage) :offset # (Integer) skip the first 'offset' entries :export_columns # (String) select the columns you want to fetch, for instance: :export_columns => "Dn,Rk" :display_sort # (String) select the column and the order you want to sort with, for instance: :display_sort => 'tr_asc' :display_filter # (String) list of filters for the report, separated by '|' (maximum number - 25). A filter consists of <sign>|<field>|<operation>|<value> (read, for instance: :display_filter => '+|Po|Lt|5' :display_date # (String) select the date for the report data, in the format: YYYYMM15
Some examples:
report = Semrush::Report.domain("", :db => 'us', :limit => 100) data = report.basics
report = Semrush::Report.domain("") data = report.basics(:db => 'us', :limit => 100)
analytics = Semrush::Analytics.backlinks_refdomains("")
You will find more information about these parameters at
They are 3 sources for the reports: domain, url and phrase.
report = Semrush::Report.domain("") # for the "" domain report = Semrush::Report.url("") # for the "" url report = Semrush::Report.phrase("search+engine+optimization") # for the "search+engine+optimization" phrase
You may call for one of the following report types:
data = report.basics # main report for either a domain or a phrase data = # organic report for either a domain, a URL or a phrase data = report.adwords # adwords report for either a domain or a URL data = report.competitors_organic # for a domain data = report.competitors_adwords # for a domain data = report.competitors_organic_by_adwords # for a domain data = report.competitors_adwords_by_organic # for a domain data = report.related # keywords related report for a phrase data = report.fullsearch # phrase fullsearch report data = report.history_adwords # ads history for either a domain or a phrase
For more information about the report types, please read
Added Analytics class for the new Analytics API, not covered all the reports yet
Add New Zealand ‘nz’ to allowed databases (countries)
Add India to the list of allowed countries
Move to SSL (https)
Add Phrase KDI support
Fix map bug with filtered organic report that has no results
Add new databases (countries)
Remove Pony dependency
Add support for fullsearch reports
Add support for Adwords history reports
activesupport dependency to >= 3.2.0 to support rails 4
parameter ‘display_filter’ has to be url-encoded in a separate way
Add report type ‘phrase_oganic’
Add parameter ‘display_sort’
Add parameter ‘display_filter’
Force parameter ‘limit’ > 0 to prevent limit=0
Fix parameters accessible through Semrush.before & Semrush.after
Fix remaining_quota (problem with redirections)
Add url in parameters accessible through Semrush.before & Semrush.after
Move after & before callbacks to Semrush module: Semrush.before & Semrush.after
Add after & before callbacks
Add method remaining_quota
This gem is inspired by the work of Cramer Development for the semrush-client plugin (
It has been rewritten and gemified for the internal use in Weboglobin (
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.