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3D Segmentation Pipeline on Agricultural Point Cloud Datasets

In this repository we present experimentation for the IE 694's AI in agriculture portfolio. This codebase contains a point cloud segmentation pipeline for Fuji Apple 3D datasets as shown in Figure 1. Further, we experiment with different model iterations to further quantitatively evaluate the segmentation performance of different data processing alternatives chosen for model training.

TL;DR: This repository contains RandLA-Net model experiments on Fuji apple datasets for point cloud segmentation, but the models overfit with unavoidable dataset complexity issues (refer below). This repository definitely contains point cloud processing code that will help you in easy prototyping, and the notebooks are Colab ready. Any improvement suggestions are highly appreciated! Thanks!

Figure 1: The point cloud segmentation pipeline for processing large scale agriculture datasets.

Table of Contents

Theoretical Survey and Ideation Work

This practical experimentation work is accompanied by the titled theoretical work "Exploring Scope of Applying Deep Learning Techniques on 3D Agriculture Data" which explores the blue-sky idea to analyze 3D large scale agriculture with deep learning models. Please, refer to this work to learn more about background and current research landscape for scope of applying this idea in realistic yield monitoring use-cases.

Dataset Description of Fuji Apple Point Cloud Datasets

Below we share the original dataset download link provided by the GRAP group from University of Llieda, Spain. These datasets are acquired by applying SfM on the photographic images of the Fuji apple orchards, refer Figure 2.

Figure 2: The isometric view of the Fuji-SfM dataset acquisition process where blue cuboids represent the bounding box annotations. (Image Credit: Gené-Mola et al.)

  • Fuji-SfM dataset: 3D point cloud of scanned scene with annotation of apple locations for 11 Fuji apple trees where the 3D model is generated using SfM (Structure from Motion) technique.
  • PFuji-Size dataset: It consists of 3D point cloud of 615 Fuji apples scanned in-field conditions for three Fuji apple trees using SfM and MVS (Multi-View-Stereo) techniques.

Preprocessed PCL Datasets Descriptions and Download Links

The the original datasets contains huge number of background point clouds which possibly introduces lot complexities for the point cloud segmentation models. Therefore, to simplify the model training process based on apple locations of the Fuji-SfM and PFuji-Size datasets the additional background point clouds were removed, refer Figure 3.

Figure 2: The apple location scatter plots for a.) Fuji-SfM (Left) and a.) PFuji-Size (Right) datasets respectively.

  • Fuji-SfM data: Cropped dataset based on the apple locations with apple PCL KKN based upsampling up to three times the original PCL count.

  • PFuji-Size-2018-Orchard data: Cropped dataset with combined east and west 2018 orchard PCL data with no upsampling, but individual apple patches needs to be upsampled by 2X factor during the patch generation phase.

  • PFuji-Size-2020-Orchard data: Cropped dataset with combined east and west 2020 orchard PCL data with no upsampling, but individual apple patches needs to be upsampled by 2X factor during the patch generation phase.

Model Training Dataset Download Links

Considering the complexity of this segmentation task where only the apple class is annotated but other classes like leaves, branches, and trunks etc. are annotated and combined as a single high fidelity background class. We further upsampled the apple class point clouds to further simplify the model training task. Also, we added additional normal estimate features to improve learning performance and created below three dataset versions for experimentation.

  • Fuji-SfM Model Training Data: This dataset only contains the upsampled dataset patches generated from splitting the Fuji-SfM dataset only.

  • Fuji Complete Training Data: This dataset only contains the upsampled dataset patches generated from splitting the Fuji-SfM and Puji-Size datasets.

  • Fuji Normals Complete Training Data: This dataset only contains the upsampled dataset patches generated from splitting the Fuji-SfM and Puji-Size datasets with added additional three normal features for each point cloud data point.

Experiment Implementation Work Flow

This section elaborates more about the Colab notebook files that were used to do the data preparation and processing, visualizations, training, and evaluations. Below, we provide a small description for each of these notebooks in sequential reference order for experiment replications and point cloud segmentation model prototyping.

PCL Upsampling Insights

The point cloud datasets under analysis are highly undersampled and contain only sparse representations of apple point clouds. Hence, upsampling the apple point clouds as pre-processing can help the model learn better representations for apple class objects. Since, the complete point cloud size is very large for PFuji-SfM dataset, we apply the upsampling operation on its patches only. Whereas for the relatively smaller Fuji-SfM we upsample the apple point cloud when the complete dataset is still together as a monolith. In our upsampling technique we randomly pick an apple point cloud class point and find its nearest neighbor, after that take an average of {X, Y, Z, R, G, B, F1, ... , FK} values of the selected random point and nearest neighbor. And, add this new point to the list of newly generated point clouds, and when this new list size reaches 80 % existing point cloud size, then the complete point cloud is updated with the addition of newly generated point clouds. In below Table 1 and 2, we highlight the difference between original PCL patches, 2X apple point cloud upsampled patches, and 3X apple point cloud upsampled patches. The point cloud plotter downsampled the points to a maximum of 40K points, therefore the apple point cloud density appears to be almost similar for all subplots. But, with close observation we can observe that the density of the background class representations is decreasing as the upsampling factor is increasing.

Original Data Patch 2X Upsampled Patch 3X Upsampled Patch
Original Patch One 2X Upsampled Patch One 3X Upsampled Patch One
Original Patch Two 2X Upsampled Patch Two 3X Upsampled Patch Two

Table 1: The point cloud upsampling comparison table for Fuji-SfM dataset's point cloud data patches.

Original Segmented Patch 2X Upsampled Patch 3X Upsampled Patch
Original Patch One 2X Upsampled Patch One 3X Upsampled Patch One
Original Patch Two 2X Upsampled Patch Two 3X Upsampled Patch Two

Table 2: The point cloud upsampling comparison table for Fuji-SfM dataset's segmented point cloud data patches.

Model Training and Experiment Observations

For our experimentation we train four models to carry model training for four different dataset versions, refer Table 3. The below table provides the experimentation details for the trained RandLA-Net segmentation models by using Open3D-ML’s implementation. This implementation provided by Open3D for RandLA-Net is currently the best implementation for this architecture, and gives the best segmentation results on standard benchmarks, like S3DIS, SematicKITTI etc.

Model Description and Checkpoint Link Dataset Description (Features) Epochs Trained Approximate Epoch Time Learning Rate Overfitting Detected
Fuji-SfM trained RandLA-Net Checkpoint Fuji-SfM ([X,Y,Z]) 40+18 20 mins / per epoch 0.0005(40) + 0.00025(18) Yes
PFuji-Size + Fuji-SfM RandLA-Net Checkpoint PFuji-Size + Fuji-SfM ([X,Y,Z,R,G,B]) 20 55 mins / per epoch 0.001 Yes
PFuji-Size + Fuji-SfM + Normals RandLA-Net Checkpoint PFuji-Size + Fuji-SfM + Normal Features ([X,Y,Z,R,G,B,NX,NY,NZ]) 25 1 hour / per epoch 0.001 Yes
PFuji-Size - RGB + Normals RandLA-Net Checkpoint PFuji-Size + Normal Features - RGB Features ([X,Y,Z,NX,NY,NZ]) 15 45 mins / per epoch 0.001 Yes

Table 3: The RandLA-Net model training and experimentation summary for the Fuji apple datasets.

For all the above experiments trained with different hyperparameters, different epochs, and different datasets all the segmentation models demonstrate overfitting (unavoidable). Evaluation metrics like, accuracy and mean IoU gives inconsistent results for validation evaluation during training for different data patches. Essentially, the trained models are highly vulnerable to make completely wrong predictions with very high confidence. This can be attributed to the fact that distinction between the different point cloud class objects is not very strong, and the model is unable to learn where one object finishes and another begins. Even after applying label smoothing and class weight based penalization during training the overfitting problem still persists for all the model iterations against all the datasets. We further attribute this behavior to the model’s inability to process the complex geometries associated with the background class and differentiate it from the apple point cloud representations during the learning stage.

Note: The datasets containing the PFuji-Size dataset needed large training time on Colab compute servers. Therefore, after the overfitting detection during the training, the learning for these models were halted. This was monitored from Tensorboard’s loss and metric curves on train and validation sets.

Initial Performance Results

From the baseline model performance notebook, evaluating other trained model iterations, and by qualitatively observing the Table 4 results, we conclude that model predictions are inconsistent. The average accuracy metrics values are within the permitted limits of a decent performing segmentation model. But, the mIOU values are highly inconsistent and in some cases very poor in some cases, like data patch 1 in Table 4. Additionally, in general we have observed when the connectedness of the point cloud increases the prediction capabilities of the segmentation faces a major performance blow, like for data patch 1 and 2 in Table 4. This can be again attributed to the fact that the apple, leaves, and branches point cloud are not consistent in terms of their shapes in the dataset point clouds. Even for us humans they are quite to segment manually on these point cloud datasets, so clearly the model is also facing boundary distinction issues for these classes. On a positive note, the RandLA-Net model does scale well with processing data patches of size 100k easily in this use-case, and a very low inference time of under 1 mins in worst case scenarios on Colab CPUs.

Ground Truth Data Patch 1 Ground Truth Data Patch 2 Ground Truth Data Patch 3
Ground Truth Data Patch 1 Ground Truth Data Patch 2 Ground Truth Data Patch 3
Prediction Data Patch 1 Prediction Data Patch 2 Prediction Data Patch 3
Prediction Data Patch 1 Prediction Data Patch 2 Prediction Data Patch 3

Table 4: Qualitative prediction output analysis of the baseline RandLA-Net model predictions trained only with Fuji-SfM dataset.

Note: For building a really fast point cloud processing system this result is quite impressive. And, even learning some segmentation capabilities on these complex datasets is also not bad.

Experimentation Summarization

In our experiments we trained four different models as described in the above model training and experimentation methodology section. All the trained models failed to converge (overfitting) with different dataset iterations and different hyperparameters, like changed learning rate, batch size, label smoothing, class weights etc. This majorly can be attributed to the complexity of segmentation tasks where countless complex objects like, grass, branches, trunks, and soil textures are grouped into background class. It becomes very hard to differentiate between different objects and classify the apple class point cloud data points. Therefore, a point cloud dataset with more extensive segmentation annotations can help in building a segmentation model that correctly segments out Fuji apples directly.

Further, technically the Fuji-SfM dataset provides only bounding box cubical annotations which were translated to segment apple point clouds for ground truth preparation. These cubical bounding boxes systematically might have introduced leaf point clouds in these ground truth annotations. Second, this dataset is rather sparse and does not provide an extensive point cloud for effective model training, and might require extensive data augmentation for building robust segmentation models.

And, for the PFuji-Size dataset the documentation of the dataset is rather a bit ambiguous, and hard to follow up with *.LAZ format point cloud files. In this dataset, the orchard point clouds and apple annotation files are provided separately for analysis but nowhere it is explicitly mentioned whether the orchard point cloud files contain the apple annotations within it or not. We assumed that these annotations are not present in the shared orchard point clouds, and evidently the models have not converged or learnt any valuable representations. So, it might be possible that apple annotations are present in the *.LAZ point cloud files of the orchard dataset and that would have compromised the model performance.

In Progress Work Note: Currently, the PFuji-Size dataset debugging, and more extensive documentation is in progress. Additionally, we are also testing data augmentation techniques for the Fuji-SfM dataset to measure any performance gains. If some data preprocessing flaw is detected we will update the code repository accordingly, and share the updated notebooks and model checkpoints.

Citing the Experiment Findings and Accompanying Theoretical Document

If you find the experimentation work interesting and useful for your work, please consider citing it with:

  author = {Rana, Ashish},
  title = {Exploring Scope of Applying Deep Learning Techniques on 3D Agriculture Data},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},


This repository contains experimentation for the IE 694's AI in agriculture portfolio.




