x2 OpenNode tutorials I will be running at https://www.bitcoin2019conference.com/.
Sign up to OpenNode here https://opennode.co/join/f774f2a0-1377-45e2-b719-6b821f24900d.
- Windows https://mega.nz/#!sS4yDSyB!Bc7Kgn4v3jtM23OmJ7g1yUiLKm3c8E3NjmxQWF19ccc (Unzip and run "Arduino.exe")
- Linux https://mega.nz/#!8LAhgSYb!sTajQUSvJ-xaI8Sh7_DxuBNaIQq34AYIkLLitxt4X80 (Unzip and run "Arduino" from terminal)
The projects are included in the home directory of under "Portable" > "Sketchbook".
Install the Arduino IDE,https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Install the ESP32 hardware,
From "Manage Libraries" install,
- GxEPD2
- ArduinoJson
- QRCode
- AdaFruit GFX
- Keypad
Details on wiring can be found at the header of each ino file
Details on wiring can be found at the header of each ino file
If you like this project and might even use or extend it, why not send some tip love! https://paywall.link/to/f4e4e