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architolk edited this page Jun 11, 2017 · 6 revisions

Linked Data Theatre vocabulary

The diagram below depicts the core classes of the LDT vocabulary. Model (Show original size)



The appearance for a particular representation. You should only use the predefined appearances of the Linked Data Theatre:

  • TableAppearance;
  • ShortTableAppearance;
  • ContentAppearance;
  • HeaderAppearance;
  • NavbarAppearance;
  • NavbarSearchAppearance;
  • HiddenAppearance;
  • LoginAppearance;
  • CarouselAppearance;
  • IndexAppearance;
  • TreeAppearance;
  • HtmlAppearance;
  • GraphAppearance;
  • TextAppearance;
  • FormAppearance;
  • GeoAppearance;
  • GeoSelectAppearance;
  • ImageAppearance;
  • ChartAppearance.


A constraint places on a fragment.


A regular container. Updates to this container will be places in the graph with the same URI as the container.


A versioned container. Updates to this container will be places in the graph with the URI of the container, concatenated with a hash ('#') and a timestamp. Updates will also be placed in the graph with the same URI as the container, including a dcterms:hasVersion statement.


A form to be used when a mandatory URL parameter is not set.


A part of a representation that defines how a fragment of a representation is presented.


The layer at which a representation is located. Three layers are defined:

  • BottomLayer;
  • DefaultLayer;
  • TopLayer.

If no specific layer is defined, the DefaulLayer is used. Only representations located at the highest avaiable layer will be used.


The representation of some data


The style of a fragment.


The translator used to translate non-RDF data into RDF data. Three translators are defined at this moment (these correspond with the filenames in the /translators folder).

  • GenericExcelTranslator;
  • SimpleExcelTranslator;
  • SimpleTranslator;
  • XMI21Translator.



The regex pattern to which a URL should conform for this representation. More than one url-pattern properties can be added. The URL should conform to at least one of the patterns.


The applies-to property is used in three different ways:

  • When used as a property of a Representation, it states the pattern that should match the resource description. For example: [rdf:type owl:Class] is a pattern that matches all resources of the type owl:Class.
  • When used as a property of a Fragment, it defines the property or the variable for which the fragment is defined. For example: elmo:applies-to rdfs:label states that the frament is used for a rdfs:label property, and elmo;applies-to "graph" states that the fragement is used for the variable ?graph.


The property that defines the SPARQL query used for the representation.


Some static data.


States that a representation contains some other representations. All containing representations will be presented below each other.


States the order in which fragments or representations are presented.


States that the object contains a string with html formatting. This property should be used with a HtmlAppearance.

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