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A luminous warm and calm color palette.

Created for the steam- and comic-like flat design pattern to achieve a optimal unobtrusive feeling for game- and graphic projects.
It consists of a total of eighty one, carefully selected, dimmed pastel colors for a eye-comfortable, but yet colorful ambiance.

The color palette it divided into fifteen named components to represent the different color effects.

Lumio Palette Overview

Lumio colors are numbered from lumio0 to lumio15 where each component contains a different amount of colors:

  1. Rough Coal lumio0 - lumio4
  2. Soft Earth lumio5 - lumio13
  3. Hard Metal lumio14 - lumio17
  4. Piquant Olive lumio18 - lumio21
  5. Cold Snow lumio22 - lumio25
  6. Clear Water lumio26 - lumio34
  7. Hot Flame lumio35 - lumio40
  8. Roasted Cocoa Bean lumio41 - lumio46
  9. Tropical Wood lumio47 - lumio51
  10. Fine Sand lumio52 - lumio56
  11. Sweet Banana lumio57 - lumio60
  12. Calm Sunset lumio61 - lumio65
  13. Living Forest lumio66 - lumio70
  14. Deep Sea lumio71 - lumio75
  15. Fresh Wild Berries lumio76 - lumio80


To show a list of all available Gulp tasks run gulp or gulp help.


The CSS specification supports the usage of primitive value types to define custom properties which can be used to create e.g. color variables.
Lumio provides the template-css.scss template file to compile a lumio.css stylesheet.

The generated file contains all Lumio color variables prefixed with -- inside the :root pseudo-class.
The :root pseudo-class represents an element that is the root of the document.
This is always the HTML (<html>) element which allows to use the Lumio color variables for the whole document.

The lumio.css stylesheet can be compiled via Gulp:

npm install
gulp compile-css-template


Copy the lumio.scss file into your project and import it in your Sass files:

@import "lumio";

The .scss file extension is optional.


lumio Sass sources are documented using the SassDoc documentation syntax which can be compiled to a HTML documentation via Gulp:

npm install
gulp sassdoc

The Sassdoc theme can be changed by editing the .sassdocrc configuration file.


Copy the lumio.less file into your project and import it in your LESSCSS files:

@import "lumio";

Information about how the @import statement handles imports with different file extensions can be found in the official LESSCSS documentation.


lumio LESSCSS sources are documented using the KSS documentation syntax.
Information about the generation of a styleguide can be found in the official KSS documentation.

Color Swatches

Lumio is available in various native formats:

  • .aco Adobe Photoshop Palette
  • .ase Adobe Swatch Exchange
  • .gpa Gpick Palette
  • .gpl GIMP/Inkscape/CinePaint/Krita Palette
  • .mtl Alias/WaveFront Material

A list of detailed information about each file format can be found here.

Port Projects

Lumio Java

Component Cards



Please report issues/bugs, feature requests and suggestions for improvements to the issue tracker.

Copyright © 2016 Arctic Ice Studio